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中华人民共和国教育部 东北林业大学 毕 业 论 文 论文题目: 森林火车轮轴超声在线自动检测液压系统研究 学 生: 指导教师: 学 院: 工程技术学院 专 业: 森林工程(起重运输)2004级1班 2008年6月 森林火车轮轴超声在线自动检测液压系统研究 摘 要 由于森林火车轮轴经受冲击力和制动力的作用,受力情况复杂,森林铁路的安全运输受到严峻考验,对列车运行的安全性要求非常迫切。因此对森林火车轮轴的自动在线无损检测系统的研究有重要的现实意义。 在确定检测装置动力系统类型的工作中,由于液压系统具有诸多优势,因此将其应用于超声在线自动检测装置,并对液压系统进行研究分析。本文对超声在线自动检测装置的液压系统各个组成元器件(液压泵、油缸、控制阀、以及辅助元件)的功能、设计过程进行了研究。结合液压系统工作油缸的动作要求,设计液压系统原理图。在自动检测过程分析中,对液压系统的工作过程和控制系统的控制过程进行分析。 液压系统作为动力系统,是检测装置实现自动化的先决条件,因此对它进行研究,对提高森林火车轮轴超声在线自动检测的效率、检测精确度有着积极的推动作用。 关键词:液压系统;超声在线自动检测;森林火车轮轴 The research of hydraulic system of Forest train axle-automatic ultrasonic testing Abstract As forest axle withstand impact of the train braking force and the role of the complexity of the situation, the safety of the forest railway transport severe tests, the safety of train operation is very urgent requirement. So the forest train axle automatic online system of NDT have important practical significance. In determining detection device power system type of work, because of the hydraulic system has many advantages, it will be applied automatically detects ultrasonic device online, and hydraulic systems research and analysis. This paper online automatically detects ultrasonic devices various components of the hydraulic system components (hydraulic pumps, fuel tanks, control valves, and auxiliary components) the functions of the design process was studied. With the hydraulic system of the fuel tank of action requirements, design principle of the hydraulic system. In the process of automatic detection analysis of the hydraulic system of work processes and the control process for analysis. Hydraulic system as a dynamic system, the detection device is a prerequisite for automation, so it was on the improvement of forest train axle-automatic ultrasonic testing the efficiency of detection accuracy has a positive role in promoting. Key words: hydraulic system



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