高三英语学案unit 7 the christmas carol.doc

高三英语学案unit 7 the christmas carol.doc

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高三英语学案unit 7 the christmas carol

Unit 7 A Christmas Carol 词汇: 名词:bacteria(pl._________) powder standard conscience(adj. ) frost handwriting overcoat wage god partner warmth taxpayer welfare clerk composer novelist firm shadow ambition goose(pl. ) choir 形容词:foolish abundant constant noble selfish 副词:anyway indeed 动词:admit clap occupy 词组:care for leave alone in want of badly off close up have an eye for as follows of late 词汇释义: 一:Speaking 部分 1, make make money and profits 赚钱和获取利润 make one’s living / make enemies / make laws /make a telephone call make peace/make one’s will./ make it ---成为 He will make a very good athlete. ---使…成为…. We decided to make a good footballer of him. --make +宾语+宾补 Taking some medicine made me feel much better. We shouldn’t make our plan known to everybody. Karl Marx made London the base for his revolutionary work. He made it a rule to read newspapers before supper. 二:Reading 部分 2, My hands are too cold to write. One is never too old to learn. 注意:He is only too anxious to get home sooner. 他盼着早点回家。 (anxious 同ready,gald,pleased,delighted,easy,eager,willing,kind) 3,If quite convenient,Sir.如果方便的话,先生。(=if it is quite convenient to you, Sir.) it is convenient to sb对某人方便 It is convenient (for sb)to do sth(对某人而言)做。。。方便 Eg: Is it convenient to you if I come at 6 p.m.? When is it most convenient for us to meet? 4,I have to pay you a whole day’s wages for no work at all. (常用复数) 改错:he has many/few wages. 区别Wages,salary,income,pay ,fee income,为最通用词可指挣来或非挣来的收入 What is your income from your job? Pay, 酬金,工资 ,一般指雇主定期付给的工资 Salary, 指按月发的薪水, 通常是专业人员和在办公室工作的人员所领取的 Whats your salary? Teachers, government officials and clerks receive salaries. Wages,一般指按星期,小时,日所发的工资,领取工资者通常是做体力劳动的人 A postman’s wages are £180 per week. Fee,一词在英语中指付给医生、音乐师、美术工作者或律师的报酬。 The doctors fee is $ 25 a visit. 这位医生一次出诊费是25英镑。 5,That’s a poor excuse for…… N借口,理由:V原谅, 辩解;开脱 eg, He gave his excuses for coming l


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