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我的疑问 1.现在分词与过去分词的区别 2.分词做表语 3.分词做定语 4.分词做宾语补足语 5.分词做状语 6.时态与语态 现在分词与过去分词的区别 falling leaves、fallen leaves 、 criticized boy、being criticized boy the boy telling a lie、 the boy invited to the meeting 现在分词-----主动、正在 过去分词------ 被动、完成 分词做表语特点1 主语的范围很广 The old story To read a novel Reading a novel is interesting What he said The news from him 做表语的特点2 系动词的种类多 become、get、seem、look、remain、feel、sound 、taste 做表语特点3 分词做表语相当于形容词 ①very、so、 more、 most修饰doing ②much、quite、greatly、well、highly修饰done 做表语特点4 Exciting “令人感动..”----修饰事物 Excited “感动”---- 修饰人 The exciting news makes me excited 心理活动的过去分词作定语(不表被动) ( Surprise、 excite、 interest、puzzle、 please、frighten、disappoint、encourage) 分词做定语 表示状态多用doing The lake lying on the west of Hangzhou is called the West Lake. 分词和修饰的名词有主谓关系用doing The boy talking with my mother is my son. 做定语特点2 分词和修饰的名词有动宾关系用done Many people die from the polluted air. 分词和修饰的名词有动宾关系,且有正在、进行用being done The boy being invited to her party now is her boyfriend. 分词做宾语补足语 See Watch look at Notice、 Make Have Let Hear listen to feel 宾补2 Find Get leave Catch Set send 分词做状语 Feeling tired , he lay on the ground. Well written , his works are widely read all over the world . Passing the bookstore, he stopped to buy a few books. Seen from the top of the hill , the city looks fine. 状语2 Studying hard every day, he must go to college. Given more time , we are sure to finish it better. Having been told many times, he just couldn’t remember it . Seriously wounded , he still kept on fighting . 状语3 The heavy rain flooded the dam(大坝), causing a great harm. He fell down from the car, hurting his leg. The boy jumps up and down , crying with joy. The old man stood there, supported by his son 时态与语态 例句分析 Arriving at station, he found the train had gone. Having realized his mistake, he made an apolo


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