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Universal Studios Hollywood 好莱坞环球影城是一个电影制片厂和主题公园,在未组成社团的通用,美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县,市社区。 这是仍在使用的最古老和最有名的好莱坞电影制片公司之一。其官方的营销标题是“洛杉矶的娱乐之都”, 这是许多全面的环球影城主题公园位于世界各地的。伍迪啄木鸟是好莱坞环球影城的吉祥物。 Chinese Theater 中国剧院 Kodak Theater 柯达剧院 Kodak Theater 速度与激情 伊丽莎白泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor Elizabeth Taylor, DBE (February 27, 1932 – March 23, 2011) was a British-American[2] actress. From her early years as a child star with MGM, she became one of the great screen actresses of Hollywoods Golden Age. As one of the worlds most famous film stars, Taylor was recognized for her acting ability and for her glamorous lifestyle, beauty and distinctive violet eyes 伊丽莎白·泰勒和DBE(1932年2月27日 - 2011年3月23日)是英国的美国[2]女演员。从她早年与米高梅作为一个童星,她成为好莱坞黄金时代的大屏幕演员之一。作为世界上最有名的电影明星之一,泰勒被确认为她的演技和她迷人的生活方式,美丽和独特的紫罗兰色的眼睛 Chinese in Hollywood Oscar In May 1927 set up Academy Awards Oscar/ accolade (表扬)/bestowed(授予) / the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) recognize /professionals/ film industry/directors/actors/ writers most prominent(显著)award ceremonies Grammy Awards格莱美奖 (for music)/Emmy Awards 艾美奖(for television)/ and Tony Awards 托尼奖(for theatre) The first awards /on May 16, 1929 / the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel 罗斯福饭店 Artists, directors and other personalities of the filmmaking industry /during the 1927–1928 period Mayfair Hotel / $5 / 15 statuettes History Winners / three months earlier of their triumphs(胜利)/ changed / 1930 Used a sealed (密封的)envelope/ reveal(揭示) the name of the winners / 1941 films which have once won the award 特别奖项 终身成就奖(Academy Honorary Award)——1928年 俄文·撒尔伯格纪念奖(The Irving G. Salberg Memorial Award)——1938年吉恩·赫肖尔特人道主义奖(The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award)—1956年特别成就奖(视觉效果和音响)(Academy Special Achievement Award)—1972年科技成果奖(Academy Award, Scientific or Technical)——1931年 戈登·E·索耶奖(Gordon E. Sawyer Award History Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood 好莱坞的罗斯福饭店 Oscar statuette Weigh 8.5pounds High 13.5 inches 2012(84届) The Artist艺术家 2011 (83届) The King‘s Spe


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