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天 津 师 范 大 学 本科毕业论文(设计) 题目:天津市公路交通网络可达性评价 学 院:城市与环境科学学院 学生姓名:刘 蓉 学 号专 业:资源环境与城乡规划管理 年 级:08级升本班 完成日期:2010年4月17日 指导教师:孙艳玲 天津市公路交通网络可达性评价 摘要:合理的城市交通网络结构能为城市交通管理、缓解交通拥挤状况以及促进城市健康发展提供有利条件,可达性作为评价交通网络的一项有效的综合性指标,对正确评价现有城市的交通网络具有重要的意义。可达性是指利用特定的交通系统从某一区位到达指定活动区位的便捷程度。本文以相对研究较少的省市级行政区为研究对象,以天津市公路交通网络为例,进行可达性研究。 本研究基于ARCGIS软件的空间分析模块,采用加权平均时间距离指标对天津市区县级以上13个节点地区的可达性状况进行了分析,得出研究区域的可达性空间格局呈不规则同心环状分布,越往外围越差,中心区为天津市区。同时,可达性还表现为一定的快速干道的指向性,其分布沿京津塘高速方向向外突出,同时受津滨高速公路的影响,向塘沽方向突出。 关键词:区域可达性 相对可达性 公路交通网 天津市 Highway network in Tianjin Accessibility Assessment Abstract: The rational urban transport network for urban traffic management to ease the traffic congestion situation and to promote the healthy development of the city to provide favorable conditions for accessibility evaluation of the transport network as an effective and comprehensive indicators to accurately evaluate the existing city transport network is of great significance. Accessibility refers to the use of a specific transport system from one location to reach the specified level of activity a convenient location. In this paper, a relatively small provincial and municipal administrative region of this study to Tianjin highway transportation network, for example, conduct accessibility research. In this study, spatial analysis based on ARCGIS software module, using the weighted average time from the index above the county level on the Tianjin region of up to 13 nodes in the analysis of conditions, drawn up the study area was irregular spatial pattern of concentric ring distribution, the worse the more peripheral to the central area of Tianjin area. Meanwhile, the accessibility is also manifested a certain point of the fast roads. The distribution along the protruding direction of Beijing, Tianjin high-speed, while under the influence Tianjin-Binhai highway, direction to the Tanggu outstanding. Key words: regional accessibility ;relative accessibility ;road transport network; in Tianjin 目 录 1 引言


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