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摘 要 模具工业是制造业中的一项基础产业,我国国民经济的高速发展对模具工业提出了越来越高的要求。其中塑料模具因为塑料工业的快速增长也备受关注,在近年来取得了很大的发展。冲压模具是冲压生产必不可少的工艺装备,是技术密集型产品。冲压件的质量、生产效率以及生产成本等,与模具设计和制造有直接关系。因此,我们在这里进行简单级进模具的设计,来了解和研究模具设计的方法 本次设计了一套冲孔﹑落料的模具。经过查阅资料,首先要对零件进行工艺分析,经过工艺分析和对比,采用冲孔落料工序,通过冲裁力、顶件力、卸料力等计算,确定压力机的型号。再分析对冲压件加工的模具适用类型选择所需设计的模具。得出将设计的模具类型后将模具的各工作零部件设计过程表达出来。在文档中第一部分,主要叙述了冲压模具的发展状况,说明了冲压模具的重要性与本次设计的意义,接着是对冲压件的工艺分析,完成了工艺方案的确定。第二部分,对零件排样图的设计,完成了材料利用率的计算。再进行冲裁工艺力的计算和冲裁模工作部分的设计计算,对选择冲压设备提供依据。最后对主要零部件的设计和标准件的选择,为本次设计模具的绘制和模具的成形提供依据,以及为装配图各尺寸提供依据。通过前面的设计方案画出模具各零件图和装配图。 通过这次的设计研究完成了一个垫圈零件的全套的设计,包括从计算到图纸的绘制。并且阐述了冲压级进模的结构设计及工作过程。 关键词:冲压模具 级进模 垫圈 Abstract Mould manufacturing industry is one of the fundamental industry, the rapid development of Chinas national economy of die and mould industry is increasingly high requirements. Including plastic mould plastics industry because of the rapid growth of attention, also in recent years has achieved great development. Stamping mould pressing craft is essential to production equipment, is skill-intensive goods. The stamping production efficiency and the quality and cost of production, and die design and manufacture. Therefore, we are simply here in the mould design, mold design and research to understand the method This design has a set of punching die, dropping material. After data access, first to spare parts, the process analysis process analysis and comparison, punch blanking process, by cutting force, the top pieces, unloading etc, press computation model. To analysis the process for stamping mould design for the selection of the mould. The design that will die after each type of work will die parts design process. In the first part of the document, mainly describes the development of stamping mould, illustrates the importance of stamping mould design and the significance of the stamping, then to process analysis, completed the process. The second part of the design layout diagram parts, material utilization. Then punching process of calculation and punch die working part


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