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外文科技资料翻译英文原文Design Patterns in C#设计模式C #A model is a program using such a program, we can complete certain tasks. A model is a way through this way, we can achieve a certain purpose. Meanwhile, a model is a technology. In order to complete a particular job, we need to access and use the technology effectively. This kind of thinking can be applied to many types of work, such as : cooking, pyrotechnic, software development and other work. If the work Township respective fields is not of sound, then the practitioners in the field will be to find some common, effective solutions, using these programs, not in the circumstances to resolve the relevant issues, complete the work so as to achieve the purpose. Certain areas of regular employees in the field will have a habit of terminology These habits contribute to the terms of the work related personnel exchanges. Some models customary terms. The so-called model is able to complete some specific task and reach the goal of the mission off-the-shelf technology. With a habit of technology and related terms, some of this technology and modes documented, These records document from the customary terms to be standardized and made some effective technology has been widely disseminated. Christopher Alexander is that some of the best skills facts old road program modeled on the one of the pioneers. His research area is the architecture, not the software. In his new book, A Pattern Language : Towns, Buildings, Construction book, Alexander the construction of housing and urban building the successful model. Alexanders works have far-reaching effects, it also affects software fields. This Department has been able to make an impact in other areas, partly because the author has a unique purpose of the observation. You might think that the construction approach is aimed at building design. But Alexander made clear, Application architecture model, which aims to serve the future to those living in these buildings or living in these cities p


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