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Ⅰ DOLBY AC-3编解码技术 摘 要 创建家庭影院,是广大声友们和AV爱好者谈论已久的话题。时至今日,杜比家庭影院环绕声系统,已发展到第三代,即杜比AC-3早年,老牌的英国杜比研究所研制成功适用于剧场和影院的多声道采用“道尔贝4-2-4”制式的多声道系统DOLBY STEREO,使世界各地的影视公司利用这一系统.创造了不少音响效果优秀的名片佳作。在此基础上。杜比公司又开发了相应的家庭杜比环绕声系统,将其称为DOLBY SUR-ROUND,与影院用的杜比系统相区别。并于1987年推出改良的家用DOLBY SURROUND PRO LOGIC解码器,在原有的基础上增加中央声道,采用“主动式矩阵编码解码技术”,使音频的分离度、方向性有了较大的提高,具有“正常”“虚拟”“宽频”三种选择方式,以适应各种配置的需要。得到更加真实的临场效果。关用PRO LOGIC解码器,可以与现有的电视机和相应的功放音箱配置组成家庭影院系统。现有的AV功放和AV解码器大多采用这一制式,市场占有率极大。 关键词:DOLBY,AC-3(杜比AC-3:AUDIO—PERCEPTURAL CODING SYSTEMCreate a home theater, is the vast number of less two. Friends and lovers AV has long been the topic to talk about. Today, Dolbys home theater surround sound system, has been developed to the third generation, Dolby AC-3s early years, veteran of the Dolby Research Institute successfully developed for theater and theater multichannel using the Doyle4-2-4 standard multichannel system DOLBY STEREO, the world s film and television companies using this system was created. Many sound effects of excellent business card. On the basis of. Dolby also developed the corresponding family Dolby surround sound system, called the DOLBY SUR-ROUND, and theaters in the Dolby system phase difference. And dry launched 1987improved domestic DOLBY SURROUND PRO LOGIC decoder, in the original basis of increased central channel, using active matrix coding and decoding technique, make audio separation degree, direction has been greatly improved, with a normal, virtual broadband three options, to meet various configurations of the need. Get more real live effect. With PRO LOGIC decoder, and the existing television and corresponding amp speaker configuration consisting of a home theater system. The existing AV amplifier and a AV decoder is widely adopted in the system, the market share of great. KEY WORDS:DOLBY;AC-3:AUDIO—PERCEPTURAL CODING SYSTEM 分享到 翻译结果重试 抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅 第一章 绪论 1.1前言 1.2项目内容 1.3内容结构 2 第二章 3 2.1 DOLBY AC-3概述 4 2


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