英文名著--A Series of Unfortunate Events # 11_ The - Lemony Snicket.pdf

英文名著--A Series of Unfortunate Events # 11_ The - Lemony Snicket.pdf

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A Series of Unfortunate Events 11 - The Grim Grotto ASeriesofUnfortunateEvents A Series of Unfortunate Events Book the Eleventh The Grim Grotto Lemony Snicket C H A P T E R One After a reat deal of time examinin oceans, investi atin rainstorms, and starin very hard at several drinkin fountains, the scientists of the world developed a theory re ardin how water is distributed around our planet, which they have named “the water cycle.” The water cycle consists of three key phenomena – evaporation, precipitation, and collection – and all of them are equally borin . Of course, it is borin to read about borin thin s, but it is better to read somethin that makes you yawn with boredom than somethin that will make you weep uncontrollably, pound your fists a ainst the floor, and leave tearstains all over your pillowcase, sheets, and boomeran collection. Like the water cycle, the tale of the Baudelaire children consists of three key phenomena, but rather than read their sorry tale it would be best if you read somethin about the water cycle instead. Violet, the eldest phenomenon, was nearly fifteen years old and very nearly the best inventor the world had ever seen. A s far as I can tell she was certainly the best inventor who had ever found herself trapped in the ray waters of the Stricken Stream, clin in desperately to a tobo an as she was carried away from the Valley of Four Drafts, and if I were you I would prefer to focus on the borin phenomenon of evaporation, which refers to the process of water turnin into vapor and eventually formin clouds, rather than think about the turmoil that awaited her at the bottom of the Mortmain Mountains. Klaus was the second eldest of the Baudelaire siblin s, but


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