英文名著--The horse and his boy - C. S. Lewis.pdf

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THE HORSE AND HIS BOY C.S. LEWIS CHA PTER ONE - HOW SHASTA SET OUT ON HIS TRAV ELS CHA PTER TWO - A WAYSIDE A DV ENTURE CHA PTER THREE - AT THE GATES OF TASHBAA N CHA PTER FOUR - SHASTA FA LLS IN WITH THE NA RNIA NS CHA PTER FIV E - PRINCE CORIN CHA PTER SIX - SHASTA A MONG THE TOMBS CHA PTER SEV EN - A RAV IS IN TASHBAA N CHA PTER EIGHT - IN THE HOUSE OF THE TISROC CHA PTER NINE - ACROSS THE DESERT CHA PTER TEN - THE HERMIT OF THE SOUTHERN MA RCH CHA PTER ELEV EN - THE UNWELCOME FELLOW TRAV ELLER CHA PTER TWELV E - SHASTA IN NA RNIA CHA PTER THIRTEEN - THE FIGHT AT A NVA RD CHA PTER FOURTEEN - HOW BREE BECA ME A WISER HORSE CHA PTER FIFTEEN - RA BA DASH THE RIDICULOUS CHAPTER ONE – HOW SHASTA SET OUT ON HIS TRAVELS THIS is the story of an adventure that ha ened in Narnia and Calormen and the lands between, in the Golden Age when Peter was High King in Narnia and his brother and his two sisters were King and Queens under him. In those days, far south in Calormen on a little creek of the sea, there lived a oor fisherman called Arsheesh, and with him there lived a boy who called him Father. The boys name was Shasta. On most days Arsheesh went out in his boat to fish in the morning, and in the afternoon he harnessed his donkey to a cart and loaded the cart with fish and went a mile or so southward to the village to sell it. If it had sold well he would come home in a moderately good tem er and say nothing to Shasta, but if it had sold badly he would find fault with him and erha s beat him. There was always something to find fault with for Shasta had lenty of work to do, mending and washing the nets, cooking the su er, and cleaning the cottage in which they both lived. Shasta was not at all interested in anything that lay south of his home because he had once or twice been to the village w


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