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The Laba Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the eighth day of the twelfth month of the lunar Chinese calendar.Laba Festival has a very long tradition and history in China.People will eat rice porridge in this day . Rice porridge is the most traditional custom all over the country 农历十二月初八是中国的传统节日——腊八节;腊八节在中国有着很悠的传统和历史,在这一天喝腊八粥、做腊八粥是全国各地老百姓最传统的习俗。 introduction Since the qin Dynasty, the laba festival is used to worship our ancestors and gods, pray for a harvest and good lunck. The origin of the laba festival 从先秦起,腊八节都是用来祭祀祖先 和神灵,祈求丰收和吉祥。 Laba porridge is also called “qibao mixed porridge”. The history of eating laba rice porridge in China has more than one thousand years. The first started in the song dynasty. Every laba that day, everyone should make laba rice porridge. In the qing dynasty, this custom was more popular. 腊八粥也叫“七宝五味粥”。我国喝腊八粥的历史,已有一千多年。最早开始于宋代。每逢腊八这一天,每个人都要做腊八粥。到了清朝,喝腊八粥的风俗更是盛行。 Laba rice porridge in different areas. The practice of laba rice porridge In Beijing, a lot of the original material of foods in white rice, such as red jujube, lotus seeds, walnuts... There are more than 20 kinds. The 7th day people begin to busy in the evening, they wash rice, fruit, then peel, stone, pick , cook in the middle night, and then stew with small fire, stew until the early morning of second day, laba rice porridge is ok. 在北京,搀在白米中的食材较多,如红 枣、莲子、核桃……总计二十多种。人 们在腊月初七的晚上,就开始忙碌起来, 洗米、泡果、拨皮、去核、精拣,然后在 半夜时分开始煮,再用微火炖,一直炖 到第二天的清晨,腊八粥才算熬好了。 In northern shanxi plateau,.people usually boiled porridge in the morning, the porridge’is sweet or salty,people can cook it according to their tastes.After eating,someboby try to daub the porridge on the door, on the hearth, and the trees, in order to drive out evil spirits and welcome agricultural harvest in the coming year. 陕北高原在腊八之日,通常是早晨就煮,或甜或咸,依人口味。吃完以后,还要将粥抹在门上、灶台上及门外树上,以驱邪避灾,迎接来年的农业大丰收。 Zhejiang people co


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