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Something Encouraging An?idle?youth,?a?needy?age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 A?plant?may?produce?new?flowers;?man?is?young?but?once. 花有重开日,人无再少年。 What?may?be?done?at?any?time?will?be?done?at?no?time. 明日待明日,明日不再来。 Never?put?off?till?tomorrow?what?you?can? do?today. 今天能做的事绝不要拖到明天。 Reading Concepts Why do we read (English)? To learn the language To get information/message To relax Others How do you read? Here are something that people sometimes do when reading English. Do you do the same? Read with uttering out the word (voicing) Read then translate what you read into Chinese Read with fingers pointing at the words Read with head moving along Often re-read what you just read Read word by word Try to look up every new word 1. What habits do you think are helpful in reading? Some misconceptions about efficient reading Efficient reading can only be learned by a gifted minority. You do not need to have “superior” intelligence or exceptional vision to read better. Rather, you need an understanding of the reading process and an understanding of how YOU go about reading printed information. The main ingredients for becoming a more efficient reader are practice and the willingness to devote time to changing the reading habits which keep you from reading well now. Tell me some specific rules and I’ll become an efficient reader overnight. You learn to read by reading, not just by learning a set of rigid rules. Generally, the more you read, the better and faster reader you become. There are some useful techniques to improve both your comprehension and rate. But remember the rules themselves are not ability, and knowing some reading rules is no substitute for reading practice and hard work. Without practice, no good rules or methods will work. Reading happens when the eyes look at the words. Reading is a process in which your eyes perceive (take in) the printed words and your brain interprets (understands) the meanings of words. Only when you are actively seeking meanings, can your eyes a


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