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谈海明威《永别了,武器》中意象手法的运用 A Talk about the Use of Imagery in Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms 摘 要 在众多伟大的美国作家中,海明威以其独特的写作风格而著称。在他所有的作品中,《永别了,武器》这部小说是最能体现他独特写作手法的一部作品。这部小说语言看似简洁自然,其实却蕴含了作者的精心揣摩和润色加工。小说简洁自然的语言背后隐藏了深刻的意义和感情。海明威在小说中运用了独特的意象写作手法——即形象化比喻的方法。小说中有多个意象并且被巧妙地贯穿起来。海明威以大自然为背景,形象生动地描写了高山的广阔,平原的危险,雨的不期而至等。本文主要讨论这篇小说的意象手法的运用。全文共分为七个象征,分别是高山、平原、水、星星、雨、雪和凯瑟琳的头发,并逐个分析了它们的比喻和象征意义。很显然海明威善于意象手法的使用。本文通过分析了七个事物的象征意义,来探讨意象手法在小说中的使用特点。能使读者从不同的观察角度得到不同的象征意义,更好的来解读《永别了,武器》这部世界性经典作品。使读者能从不同的角度得到不同的主题。对内涵和新意具有更进一层的理解。 关键词:意象手法 高山 平原 水 雨   Abstract Being distinguished from many great American writers, Hemingway is noted for his writing techniques. Among all of his works, A Farewell to Arms is a typical one which can display his unique writing techniques among his novels. The language Hemingway uses in this novel is simple and natural superficially but actually theyre selected deliberately and artificial. The simplicity of the novel is highly suggestive and often reflects the strong undercurrent of emotion. In A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway uses his unique imagery technique that is a metaphor to describe the characters or settings in a novel. He employs the nature as the background of his novel. This essay not only analyzes the clarity of the mountains, the danger of the plains and the unknown of the rain and so on, but also mainly discusses the use of image in the novel. There are seven symbols analyzed in this essay: mountains, plains, water, stars on Frederic’s uniform, rain, snow and Catherine’s hair. And it analyzes the metaphorical and symbol meanings of mountains, plains, water, stars on Frederic’s uniform, rain, snow and Catherine’s hair. It’s clear that Hemingway is good at employing the imagery technique. By analyzing the metaphorical and symbolic meaning of mountains, plains, water, stars on Frederic’s uniform, rain, snow and Catherine’s hair,presen


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