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痛经 美国医生如何治疗痛经 痛经 Painful menstrual periods Painful menstrual periods are periods in which a woman has crampy lower abdominal pain, sharp or aching pain that comes and goes, or possibly back pain. 痛经 下腹部在月经期间阵发性刺痛,钝痛,时轻时重,或者腰痛 痛经 痛经原因还不是清楚,但是生活良好习惯会对痛经有帮助 The cause of premenstrual syndrome is not known but severe symptoms have been shown to be responsive to lifestyle changes. Getting exercise several times a week, eating a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and reducing or eliminating caffeine and alcohol are some of the changes most often recommended. 痛经 症状可以通过饮食,睡眠,运动等生活习惯的改变得到缓解 痛经 原发痛经是荷尔蒙导致子宫收缩导致的, Primary dysmenorrhea is a normal cramping of the lower abdomen caused by hormone-induced uterine contractions before the period. Secondary dysmenorrhea may be caused by 痛经 abnormal conditions such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease. Unless one of these potentially serious conditions is present, the treatment for painful periods is pain relief. If a hormone imbalance is detected, birth control pills may restore the proper hormone levels. 继发性痛经由于子宫内膜异位症盆腔炎症 痛经 Although some pain during your period is normal, excessive pain is not. The medical term for painful menstrual periods is dysmenorrhea. 虽然疼痛是正常的,但是过于疼痛是不正常的,月经期间疼痛叫做痛经 痛经 美国人治疗痛经 解剖图 痛经 美国人如何治疗痛经 The uterus is a hollow muscular organ located in the female pelvis between the bladder and rectum. The ovaries produce the eggs that travel through the fallopian tubes. Once the egg has left the ovary it can be fertilized and implant itself in the lining of the uterus. The main function of the uterus is to nourish the developing fetus prior to birth. 痛经门诊 联络地址:北京市东直门外大街35号东湖别墅,V313 电话QQ:1306095536 电子邮件:1306095536@ 办公时间: Monday - Sunday : 9:00am - 9:00pm * 痛经 蒋大夫


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