人教版高中英语必修4Unit 1 Book 4 Reading A Student of African Wildlife课件.ppt

人教版高中英语必修4Unit 1 Book 4 Reading A Student of African Wildlife课件.ppt

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人教版高中英语必修4Unit 1 Book 4 Reading A Student of African Wildlife课件

Tip 3: Scanning means reading quickly for detailed information. When scanning, you can take the following steps: ①Make sure what information you are looking for; ②Discover the organization (结构) of the reading materials. A Student of African Wildlife a person who is studying at a university or college a person who is studying at a school, especially a secondary school a person who is very interested in a particular subject. Reading: A Student of African Wildlife Learning goals Understand and pay attention to some important vocabulary and sentences in the reading passage; Learn and practice using suitable reading strategies (策略); Learn from Jane Goodall. a chimp in the cage a chimp in the laboratory a chimp for entertainment chimps in the wild: behave like humans; strong bond observe observation A Student of African Wildlife who where what Guess from the title what the text is mainly about. A. Jane Goodall’s life. B. Jane Goodall’s research on chimps. Tip 1: By guessing from the title or pictures you can predict the content of the reading passage and become an active reader. Jane Goodall chimps Paragraph 1: C. A day’s observation in the park D. Jane’s research methods and findings A. Jane’s attitude and feeling to the animals B. Jane’s achievements Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: Reading for the main idea of each paragraph Tip 2: Skimming refers to reading quickly to get the main idea or the theme (主题) of the passage. Para. 1: A day’s observation in the park Jane’s research methods and findings Jane’s attitudes and feelings to the animals Jane’s achievements Para. 2: Para. 3: Para. 4: research through the eyes of visitors research methods and findings motivation (动机) behind the research what the research brings Guess from the title what the text is mainly about. A. Jane Goodall’s life. B. Jane Goodall’s research on chimps. Reading for information Para. 1: Jane’s research methods and findings Jane’s attitudes and feel


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