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Rubik’s Cube This is a Rubik’s Cube.In our country--China,the Rubiks Cube is also called magic cube.It is the most famous puzzle as a mobile version across the world. Ern? Rubik(厄尔诺·鲁比克) was born in July 13, 1944,who is an architecture professor of a university in the Hungary (匈牙利). He has invented the mechanical toy in 1974 . So the toy is named after his name ,called Rubik’s Cube. More than 30 years ago, the Rubiks cube used its unique charm to conquer the world, and it’s unprecedented sales volume was a miracle. The Rubiks cube is not only a toy,but also one of the kind teaching aid and movement thing.Playing the Rubiks cube can challenge and exercise your logical, understanding and memory abilities.It is beneficial to the intelligence, health and brain. So, that is to say, it greatly contributes to the hands, eyes, and brain operate coordinately.And it is suitable for different ages to play,such as children,adults and old men. The kinds of the Rubik’s Cube Various playing patterns of the Rubik’s Cube Single-hand 2.单拧 各种记录 Thank You! * * * * * the Rubik’s cube Mini Cube 二阶魔方 Rubiks Cube 三阶魔方 Rubiks Revenge 四阶魔方 Professors Cube 五阶魔方 六阶魔方 七阶魔方 Double-hands 1.双拧 Double-feet 3.脚拧 Blind 4.盲拧 脚拧单次36.72 单手单次11.93 金字塔单次2.83 二阶单次0.96 六阶单次2:15 三阶盲拧32.37


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