My Friends教学设计教学课件.doc

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A Teaching Plan for “ My Friends ” ------ Unit 3 A: Let’s learn Let’s say 教学内容:第三单元第一课时:A Let’s learn; Let’s say 教学目标: 认知目标: 1.让学生能听、说、认读本课的词汇及词组:thin, strong, quiet, friends, long hair, short hair. 2.让学生初步掌握用所学的形容词描述自己的朋友,用“ He / She has long / short hair. He / She is thin / strong. He / She is ( not ) quiet. ” 能力目标: 1.能够使学生简单地向别人描述自己的朋友。 2.鼓励学生用所学的语言在日常生活中进行交际。 情感态度: 注意培养学生与人交往的能力,培养学生的竞争意识。 教学重点: 1.用句型:He / She has long / short hair. He / She is thin / strong. He / She is ( not ) quiet. 来描述自己的朋友。 2.词汇:hair, thin, strong, quiet 教学难点: 1.发音:friends, thin 2.名词复数的使用 课前准备: 教师和学生各准备一个funny face。教师将自己的funny face进行拍摄,为课件所用。 教师拍二张学生的照片,为课件所用。 多媒体课件一套。 教学过程: 一、Warm-up 1. Sing a song: They are in the zoo. 2. T: There are many animals in the zoo. Such as elephant, tiger, giraffe and so on. Now let’s go the zoo. OK? 课件出示:动物园,有giraffe, deer, elephant, monkey, rabbit. T: Look! This is a big zoo. What can you see? 引导学生用:I can see ….回答,鼓励学生进行描述。比如:I can see an elephant. It’s so big. It has a long nose. 3. 结合上述环节,练说chant: Look at the elephant. It’s so big. Look at the bird. It’s so small. Look at the giraffe. It’s so tall. Look at the deer. It’s so short. Look at the monkey. The tail is so long. Look at the rabbit. The tail is so short. 二、Presentation 1. 课件出示孙悟空的图像,并快速隐去,让学生猜一猜:Who is he?引导学生用:He’s ….进行猜测。学生猜出后,教师接上:Yes. He’s Monkey King, Sun Wukong. Look! He’s so thin. 进行单词thin的教学。教师要提醒学生在读thin时,注意咬舌尖儿。 进行句子的教学:He is thin. (可加上chant: Thin, thin. He is thin. ) 拓展:T(指着班上较thin的同学)XXX is thin. Let’s find who’s thin in our classroom? 教师点名学生进行回答。 2. 教师就上述环节后,指着一名较strong的学生说:Is he thin? 学生会说:No.教师接上说:Yes, he is not thin. He’s strong. 课件引出:Yes, he is strong. Look, the superman is strong, too.进行单词strong的教学。 进行句子的教学:He is strong. (可加上chant: strong, strong. He is strong. ) 拓展:Who’s strong? 教师点


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