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图书分类号: 密 级: 毕业设计(论文) 徐州保税物流中心发展研究 STUDY OF XUZHOU BONDED LOGISTICS CENTER 2012年 5月 21日 摘要 保税物流中心在区域物流发展中起到重要作用,对外贸进出口也有着重大影响。徐州保税物流中心的建设是徐州市重要的经济发展项目,也是苏省发改委下达的江苏省2012年服务业重点项目投资计划之一。当前,其建设已有一定的基础,从其初步发展的情况看,已有初步成效。徐州保税物流中心(B型)的封关运营,必将成为推动徐州经济和社会发展的新动力, 对徐州外贸产业结构调整和进一步提升徐州对外开放地位、促进徐州外向型经济腾飞及整个淮海经济区的经济发展都能起到积极推动作用。本论文从徐州保税物流中心发展的现状着手,对其做优势和发展前景的分析,并通过对比研究分析,总结出徐州保税物流发展存在的现有及潜在的问题。针对这些问题及徐州的实际情况,探索保税物流中心今后发展的策略,并给出一定的策略建议。 关键词 保税物流;对外贸易;发展策略 Abstract Bonded Logistics Center to play an important role in the development of regional logistics, and it has a major impact on foreign trade import and export. The construction of bonded logistics center in Xuzhou is an important economic development project in Xuzhou City, and It is Sue the provincial development and reform commission issued in Jiangsu province of 2012 key projects investment plan of service industry. At present, the construction of it already had some foundation, from its initial development of the look, there have been preliminary results. When Xuzhou bonded logistics centers (type B) operation, it will become the new driving force to promote the economic and social development in Xuzhou. It good for Xuzhou foreign trade industry structure adjustment and further promote foreign open position, promote Xuzhou export-oriented economic boom and the whole of the economic development of the Huaihai economic zone can play a positive role. This article based on Xuzhou bonded logistics center on the present situation of the development and advantages and the analysis of the development prospect. By comparing the analysis, summed up the existing and potential problems of bonded logistics development in Xuzhou. To solve these problems and the actual situation of Xuzhou, exploration of bonded logistics centers of future development strategies, and give some advice. Keywords Bonded Logistics Center foreign trade Development Strategy 目 录 1绪论 1 1.1研究的背景与目的 1 1.2研究的内容与方法 1 2徐州保税物流中心发展现状 2 2.1保税物流概述


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