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兰州交通大学 学期论文 中文题目:中国武术的历史和影响 英文题目:The history and influence of Chinese martial arts 专 业:统计学 姓名:唐浩彭 学号:201205505 指导教师:刘虹 提交日期:December 25, 2013 兰州交通大学 学期论文评语 指导教师: 成绩: 摘要 随着社会和经济的发展,越来越多的人开始学习武术,他们希望通过武术来锻炼他们的身体,给他们带来欢乐,让他们的生活充满激情。 中国武术是中国传统文化的,是中国民族体育的主要内容之一,是几千年来中国人民用以锻炼身体和自卫的一种方法。国武术门派之多,在世界中也是非常少见的。据统计,中国目前拳种约300多个。郭希汾的《中国体育史》中提到门派众多是由于南北地理、气候、人的不同而造成的。北方人身材高大,北方气候严寒造成北派拳术气势雄劲,大开大合南方多水,南方人身材矮小,拳术也比较细腻年,只有部分门派的武术被编成健身表演,在中小学校教授学生。Abstract With the development of society and economy, more and more people begin to learn Chinese martial arts, they hope that they can exercise their bodies, bring happiness to them and let them live passionately through the Chinese martial arts Chinese martial arts are a part of traditional culture, are one of the main contents in Chinese national sports, and are a method of self-defense and exercise for thousands of years. Chinese martial arts of Wuhu are very rare in the world. According to statistics, currently China has about more than 300 boxing. The more menpais are caused by the North-South geographical, climate and different people mentioned in the Guo Xifens “Chinese sports history”. The northern school boxing momentum strong and have a ready pen is caused by the tall people and the northern cold weather. The southern boxing is delicate because the waters of the south and the short people. In 1949, after the People’s Republic of China, only some forms of martial arts are adapted into fitness and performance routines, and are teaches in the primary and middle school. Today I write this thesis, I want to let our young people know the Chinese martial arts are broad and profound, and also hope that our young people can exercise our bodies through the martial arts. This paper consists of five parts. The first chapter discusses the importance and necessity of Chinese martial arts. The second chapter, tells the origin and development of Chinese martial arts, let us know the Chinese martial arts are broad and


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