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2016 届毕业论文题 目 轻资产与重资产运营模式企业的营销策略对比研究-以小米和格力为例专业班级 市场营销02班 学 号 1220010210 学生姓名 黄 芬 第一指导教师 吴 琼 指导教师职称 副教授 第二指导教师 指导教师职称 学院名称 管理学院 完成日期: 2016 年 5 月 28 日轻资与重资产运营模式企业的营销策略对比研究—以小米和格力为例A comparative study on marketing strategy of light assets and heavy asset operation mode: a case study of millet and GREE学生姓名 黄 芬 第一指导教师 吴 琼第二指导教师 摘 要轻资产与重资产是两种截然不同的企业运营模式。在如今开放竞争的市场经济环境下,以这两种不同的运营方式而成功的企业却比比皆是。本文分别以小米和格力企业为例研究两种运营模式企业的营销策略。首先了解他们各自的宏观环境,并对其进行SWOT分析,在全面了解了各自当前的宏观和微观环境分析各自的优势劣势后研究得出各自的营销策略,最后对他们的各项策略进行对比分析。本文最终得出结论:轻资产运营模式的企业往往使用低价策略抢占市场份额,而且更擅长于使用互联网宣传;重资产运营模式企业因其雄厚的资金和庞大的生产链往往使用线下实体销售方式,而低价策略应适当使用千万不能滥用;此外不管是轻资产还是重资产运营模式企业都重视其产品生产链的发展,并且多元化的线上线下相结合的销售渠道是他们的发展趋势。关键词:轻资产 重资产 营销策略ABSTRACT Light and heavy assets are two distinct business models. In todays open and competitive market economy environment, the two kinds of different ways of operation and successful enterprises are everywhere.This paper takes millet and GREE enterprise as an example to study the marketing strategy of the two operation modes. First understand their respective macro environment, and carries on the SWOT analysis, in a comprehensive understanding of their current macro and micro environment analysis their own advantages and disadvantages of study that their marketing strategy. Finally, the strategy of their comparative analysis. The paper finally draws the conclusion: light asset management model enterprises tend to use low price strategy to seize market share, but also good to the use of the Internet to promote; heavy asset management business model because of its abundant capital and huge production chain tend to use entities under the line sales, and low price strategy should be appropriate use do not abuse; in addition whether asset light or heavy asset management mode of enterprises have great importance to the development of the production chain, and a wide range of online and offline combined sales channels is their development trend.K


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