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Unit 5 Part One Peter Brown: Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Animal World on Channel 2. Im your host Peter Brown. You might have read or heard in the news about the discovery of a new animal in the Bobo area. Today we have invited three people to come to our program to talk about that. Mr. Dickens, a famous explorer, who actually found the new animal. Mrs. Smith, whose family has been living in that area for generations, Mr. Johnson, a well-known zoologist. First, Mr. Dickens, could you please tell us briefly how you discovered the new animal? Mr. Dickens: Yup. You know I have been interested in exploring the animals in the Bobo area. Five days ago, when I was walking through the woods there, I came across a group of strange animals. They were crawling on the ground and making the sound bobo. Peter Brown: Interesting. What do they look like? Mr. Dickens: They look like snakes but they each have a pair of transparent wings. Peter Brown: Really? Mrs. Smith, youve lived in that area for a long time, have you seen this kind of animal there? Mrs. Smith: Yeah. I think they have lived there for centuries. Many of our villagers have reported seeing them. Ive seen them only once. I think theyre really ugly. They are black, with a long tail and small bright eyes. Really scary. Peter Brown: So, Mr. Johnson, youre a zoologist. From these descriptions, could you tell us what kind of animal this may be? Mr. Johnson: Its hard to say at this point. I need more information. Mr. Dickens, you mentioned that they have wings. Can they fly? Mr. Dickens: Erm... I dont think so. I stayed there all day long observing them. None of them flew. Mr. Johnson: Ms Smith, as a native in that region, do you or your villagers happen to know how they produce their young? Do they bear live young, or do they lay eggs? Mrs. Smith: Oh, they lay eggs. Very colorful ones. Mr. Johnson: In that case, probably they are a type of reptile. But Im not sure about them. I think further investigation


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