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Felix Kerger is a Computer Science student at the Technical University of Darmstadt and has been
developing 3D real-ti me applicati ons using Ogre 3D for more than fi ve years. He has given
several talks on software development and 3D real-ti me applicati ons at different conferences and
has been working for three years as an assistant researcher at the Fraunhofer Insti tute for
Computer Graphics Research. He also works as a freelance journalist and reports yearly from the
Game Developer Conference Europe.
【Felix Kerger 是达姆施塔特科技大学的一名主修计算机科学的学生。5 年多的时间里他一
直在采用Ogre 3D 开发三维实时应用程序。他曾在不同的会议上发表一些关于软件开发和三
I would like to thank the following persons, without whom this book wouldnt have been possible:
Steve Streeti ng for devoti ng so much ti me to Ogre 3D and creati ng one of the best pieces of
software I have had the pleasure to work with; my former teachers Ms. Oppel and Ms. Michel,
who helped me write a report on which this books idea is based ; my parents, who were a constant
source of inspiraton and motivation; Gregory Junker and Manuel Bua, my technical
reviewers—their comments helped me no end and improved this book a lot; and, of course, the
team at Packt for their constant help and advice.
【我要感谢以下各位,没有他们,这本书不可能写成:Steve Streeting,感谢他为Ogre 3D 投
Oppel 和Michel 女士,感谢她们的帮助,使我写成了为本书的精髓思想打基础的报告;我的
父母,感谢他们成为我灵感和动力的不竭源泉;Gregory Junker 和Manuel Bua,我的技术评
审——他们不断提出建议帮助我,使本书得到了很大提高;当然,还有Packt 团队,感谢他
Aboutthe Reviewers
Aboutthe Reviewers
AAbboouutttthhee RReevviieewweerrss
Manuel Bua is a software and solutions architect from Trento, Italy. He has over 17 years
experience and has been involved in many small and large-scale software projects, at both
the desig