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* * * Spectrum analysis is used to characterize signals present in a given bandwidth (or range of frequencies). Analyzing any given spectrum gives a lot of information about a communication component or system. The most common spectrum analyzer measurements are: modulation, distortion, and noise. Measuring the quality of the modulation is important for making sure your system is working properly and that the information is being transmitted correctly. Understanding the spectral content is important, especially in communications where there is very limited bandwidth. The amount of power being transmitted (for example, to overcome the channel impairments in wireless systems) is another key measurement in communications. Tests such as modulation degree, sideband amplitude, modulation quality, occupied bandwidth are examples of common modulation measurements. In communications, measuring distortion is critical for both the receiver and transmitter. Excessive harmonic distortion at the output of a transmitter can interfere with other communication bands. The pre-amplification stages in a receiver must be free of intermodulation distortion to prevent signal crosstalk. An example is the intermodulation of cable TV carriers that moves down the trunk of the distribution system and distorts other channels on the same cable. Common distortion measurements include intermodulation, harmonics, and spurious emissions. Noise is often the signal you want to measure. Any active circuit or device will generate noise. Tests such as noise figure and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are important for characterizing the performance of a device and/or its contribution to overall system noise. For all of these spectrum analyzer measurements, it is important to understand the operation of the spectrum analyzer and the spectrum analyzer performance required for your specific measurement and test specifications. * 模拟式频谱仪:以扫描式为基础构成,采用滤波器或混频器将被分析信号中各频率分量逐一分离。所有早期的频谱仪几乎都属于模拟滤波式或超外差结构,并被沿用至今.


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