《Unit 1 I took some photos.课件》小学英语外研社2011课标版一年级起点六年级下册课件38078.ppt.ppt

《Unit 1 I took some photos.课件》小学英语外研社2011课标版一年级起点六年级下册课件38078.ppt.ppt

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《Unit 1 I took some photos.课件》小学英语外研社2011课标版一年级起点六年级下册课件38078.ppt

Module3 Unit 1 I took some photos. Warming up 请围绕以下问题谈论过去发生的事情 1.Where did you go? I went... 2. What did you do? I .... 3. What did you eat? I ate... 4. What did you see? I saw... 写出下列动词的过去式 1 have 2 take 3 go 4 want 5 am/is 6 are 7 start 8 rain 9 run 10 eat 11 bring 12 stop Read and judge. 阅读判断 1 This letter is from Daming to Lingling,its about Linglings Saturday. 2 Daming,Lingling,Simon and Simons Mum went to a park. 3 There was a big lake and there were lots of ducks in the park. 4 Daming didnt get wet. 5 At last,they had a picnic. Read and answer 1 When did Daming have a funny day? He had a funny day on Saturday. 2 What did they bring? They brought sandwiches and drinks. 3 What was the weather like? It rained. 4 Did Daming eat the sandwiches? No,he didnt. 5 Were they happy? Talk and write 使用下面的提示词与你的伙伴谈论你上周末的情况并且写下来。(不少于3个句子) 提示词: 1.went 2.wanted 3.was 4.had 5. took 6.rained 7.ran 8.were 9.ate Homework 1. 熟读短文 (听读至少五次,并签字) 2. 仔细看P16 的提示词和范文,把课堂谈论上周末的情况写在作文本上,不少于五个句子。要有结尾句。 3. 把短文里的不规则动词的过去式及其原形2+1+1,完成在作业本上。家长考会签字。格式:如: bring__(过去式) brought 带来 * 北重六小 常虹 had 有,度过 took 拿走,带走 went 去 wanted 想要 was 是 were 是 started 开始 rained 下雨 ran 跑 ate 吃 brought 带来 stop ped 停 1 × 2 × 3√ 5 × 4 √ No,they werent. 1 2 3 关键提示词: 1.went 2.wanted 3.brought 4.was 5.were 6. took 7.rained 8.ran 9.ate 10 were 2 3 *


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