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摘要企业要想生存和发展,离不开良好的安全环境,作为现代化的企业安全管理,它的一个重要标志就是以预防为主,即在事故发生之前,用科学原理和工程技术的方法对系统中的各种危险进行辨识、控制,即对系统的安全状况进行评价。预防事故的发生,把可能造成的损失限制在最低的程度。制定事故应急救援预案也是降低事故损失的一个较为有效的方法,火灾、爆炸事故应急救援预案的编制更是安全管理必不可少的一个重要环节。本文第一部分主要对安徽淮化集团双氧水车间的安全状况进行评价,在安全评价方法的选择上,考虑到化工企业生产具有易燃、易爆、工艺流程复杂等特点,故采用安全检查表法定性评价和道化学火灾爆炸指数法定量评价,提高安全评价准确性,然后根据其存在的问题给出合理的安全对策措施和建议。本文第二部分主要是安徽淮化集团双氧水车间火灾、爆炸事故应急救援预案的编制,系统的介绍了火灾、爆炸事故发生后,如何快速、有效的抢险救灾等问题。关键词:安全检查表法评价,道化学火灾、爆炸指数法评价,安全对策措施, 火灾、 爆炸事故应急救援预案AbstractThe corporations must have good security circumstance if they want survival and development.As for the security management of modern corporations,its important symbal is paying emphasis on preventive measures.That is,before the accidents occur,the diversified dangers are identified and cortrolled using scientific theory and engineering technology.Then the possible lose is limited in the minimum degree.Emergency plans is an effective method to reduce accident loss,The fire emergency rescue plan, preparation of explosion accident is an important part of safety management essential.The first part mainly of Anhui Huaihua group hydrogen peroxide plant safety status was evaluated in the choice of safety evaluation method, considering the production of chemical enterprises has the characteristics of flammable, explosive, process complex, so the use of safety inspection table qualitative evaluation method and way of fire explosion index method were used to evaluate, improves the accuracy of the safety evaluation, and then according to the existing problems and gives a reasonable security measures and suggestions.In this paper the second part is mainly Anhui Huaihua group hydrogen peroxide plant fire and explosion accident emergency rescue preplan preparation, system introduced after the fire and explosion accidents occurred, how fast and effective disaster relief and other issues. Keywords: safety check list method evaluation, Dow Chemical Fire and explosion index evaluation method, safety measures, f


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