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本科毕业论文(设计)模板本科毕业论文论文题目:陕西农村电子商务发展对策探析学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 班 级:指导教师: 完成日期: 年 月 日陕西农村电子商务发展对策探析内 容 摘 要电子商务,作为互联网经济时代的主体力量,近年来发展尤为迅猛,我们目睹了阿里巴巴创造的经济奇迹,也体会到了它正逐渐走进百姓的生活;同时,中国作为世界上人口最多的国家,农业的重要性不言而喻,百姓的衣、食、住、行,方方面面都离不开农业的支持。当传统行业和新兴技术相遇时,一场席卷全国的变革也即将到来。农村电子商务,这个崭新的概念进入了人们的视野,将电子商务的特色融入地方农村中,将极大的增加农业的生产效益,提高农民的生活水平,解决我国大范围的农业经济转型问题,对我国目前经济结构的调整起到促进作用。在本文中,将从全国具有特色的农村电子商务平台案例切入,分析其特点和成功原因,从特性中寻找共性,进一步落实陕西省实际情况,多方面分析背景条件,找出现有问题,并根据以上情况提出一套适合陕西省农村地方运行的电子商务平台,主要研究点为平台模式的建立,从多方面保证平台的稳定性,同时给出未来陕西省农村电子商务发展的方向。关键词:电子商务 农业经济 农村电子商务电子商务平台Shaanxi Rural Development Strategy of e-commerceAbstractE-commerce, as the main power of the Internet economy, particularly rapid development in recent years, we have witnessed an economic miracle created by Alibaba, also come to understand that it is gradually into peoples lives; at the same time, China is the worlds most populous country, the importance of agriculture is axiomatic. All aspects of people’s lives are inseparable from the support of agriculture. There will be a revolution when the traditional minds meet the technology of new world. Rural e-commerce, this new concept come into peoples attention, the characteristics of e-commerce will greatly increase production efficiency in agriculture, improve the living standards of farmers, and solve a wide range of agricultural economic transition problem. It will benefit the adjustment of the economic structure of our country.In this article, I will begin with the distinctive rural e-commerce platform case, analyze its characteristics and reasons for the success, finding common characteristics in the further implementation of the actual situation of Shaanxi Province. Through analysis of background conditions, I will identify the existing problems and put forward a suitable e-commerce platform for Shaanxi Province. The main research point is the establishment of the platform model, and giving some ways to ensure the stability of the platform, while giving the future direction of rural e-c


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