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单元难点提炼 现代物流的定义 Modern logistics is a strategic measure considering the whole circumstances of production ,transportation ,and distribution market ,which plans ,implements ,and controls the efficient ,effective flow of goods service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet the customers’ requirements .现代物流是以满足消费者的需求为目标,把制造 、运输、销售等市场情况统一起来考虑的一种战略措施,计划,执行和控制产品、服务 及相关信息从原产地到消费地的及时有效流动和存储。 物流的八个主要组成部分 Logistics mainly include the follow eight parts:packaging ,warehousing ,material handling ,inventory ,transport ,forecasting ,strategic planning and customer services . 物流主要由以下八个部分组成:包装,仓储,材料搬运,存货,运输,预测,战略规划和客户服务。 产品的分类 Products are of two kinds :consumer products and industrial products.产品一般分为两类:消费类产品几工业产品。 五大运输模式 There are five major transport modes :air ,truck ,rail water and pipe . 有五大运输模式:飞机、汽车、铁路、水路和管道 运输。 决定费率的三个主要方面 Rates are base primarily on three factors—distance ,shipments size and competition . 费率主要由三方面决定---运输距离 、每票货物的大小以及市场竞争。 零库存对生产企业的好处 Paring your inventory to a minimum brings a boost of your profit margins by eliminating the need for warehousing and other associated expenses . 通过减少仓储需要及其他相关费用使库存达到最小量可以带来利润的增长。 库存成本的意义 It doesn’t change with the storage level ,but with the number of storage place .Storage cost concludes warehouse hire ,obsolescence cost ,discharge cost ,packaging cost and management cost . 库存成本不随存储水平而改变,它依赖于存储地方的数量大小。库存成本包括仓库租用费,陈旧性损耗费、卸货费、包装费和管理费。 如何节省库存成本 To reduce storage cost ,a plan for inventory is a must ,which should be able to answer the three basic questions:when to order ,how much to order and inventory control procedures . 要降低库存成本,需作一个存货计划,这个存货计划必须要能解决以下3个基本问题:何时预定,预定多少以及库存控制程序。 物流过程中包装的种类及其各自的功能和作 Packaging can be divided into industrial packaging and consumer packaging .Generally speaking ,Consumer packaging ,which mainly aims at containing the goods ,promoting the scale of it and facilitating use of it ,is of little value to logistic operation ,But industrial packaging has a signifi


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