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仿写 1一旦你得到那张CD,记得给我发e-mail。Once 2 devote / look forward/ be used 习惯于/pay attention to doing 伟人是这样的人,他们自己的一生奉献给帮助其他人。 those who… 3毫无疑问成功属于有准备的人。 those who 失败属于懒惰的人。 4 无论如何,我们学校的目标是提供给学生良好的 学习环境learning atmosphere。 provide sb with sth 5只有通过大量阅读我们才能够提高英语。 only 6 无论如何,你能告诉我用什么方法来保持身材keep fit的吗? the way A-c 1 China, as a responsible country, plays an a_______ part in international affairs事务. He looked so calm, but a________, he was feared of being beaten. As a matter of f____, she didn’t go home. His car broke down on the road, so he was just to walk as u_______. It seemed as if the would was__ __ ___结束 At p________, the most important thing is to prepare for the final exam. America soldiers a______ Iran with bombs. Success should be b_______ on great efforts. 9. The students are always b_______ in the books, doing homework silently. 10. While they were enjoying the humor, the class b_______ into laughter. 11. He was too excited to c________ down. 12. The president c___________ that all the soldiers should withdraw 退出from Iraq at the end of this year. 13 Living abroad, Qian Xuesen was always c__________ about his motherland. 14. --I’ve won the competition. ---C_______________! 15.--- What‘s your a_______ towards taking mobile phone to school? --- to be honest, it shouldn’t be allowed! D-f As you know, smoking does great d________ to health. After the earthquake, nearly all the water pipes were d__________. She gave me a d___________ look– that kind means she would never change her mind. Lei Feng d_________ all he had to serving people heart and soul. Every coin has two sides, the advantages and the d______________. If the 2012 really came, the whole earth would suffer from more and more natural d_____________. 7. Generally speaking, I d________ with your opinion. 8. The head teacher devoted much time to e__________ some students to be free from bad habits. 9. Every person


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