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* 我读中学的时候,就是把第二册的课文理解,全部背下来,所以基础很扎实。学好了第二册,过CET4,CET6真是?a?piece?of?cake.? 上了大学后(英语专业),语音课的老师在上课的时候还选用几篇课文,让我们反复模范发音; 听力老师也要求我们听录音,一课一课地练习听写。 Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelled good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire. But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent! tent n. 帐篷 field n. 田地,田野 smell v. 闻起来 wonderful adj. 极好的 campfire n. 营火,篝火 creep v. 爬行 sleeping bag 睡袋 comfortable adj. 舒适的,安逸的 soundly adv. 香甜地 leap v. 跳跃,跳起 heavily adv. 大量地 stream n. 小溪 form v. 形成 wind v. 蜿蜒 right adv. 正好 time: late in the afternoon people: the boys things : Second: cook a meal over an open fire first: put up a tent in the middle of a field Third: tell stories and sing songs by the campfire So: put out the fire and creep into their tent. The sleeping bag (warm and comfortable) sleep soundly begin to rain. Two boys wake up and begin shouting leap out of their sleeping bags and hurry outside The tent was full of water! *


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