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2011年一模各区中考写作范例汇总: 浦东: 1.Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “study brings me______”(以“学习带给我______” 为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) (注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名,校名及其他相关的信息,否则不予评分。) Use the following points as a reference .(一下内容仅供参考) What does study bring you? Why do you think so? How do you study?(give a example/examples.) 静安: 2. Write an article of at least 60 words about the topic OQ or MSN or Fetion - a good way to communicate |with friends! (请以“QQ或MSN或 Fetion——一种与朋友交流的好方式!”为题写话。字数不少于60个。要求内容连贯,表达清楚。标点符号不占格。) (注意:中文不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分) Suggestions: (Choose one of the above ways to write your article.) (请选择一种方式进行写话) ﹡What do you know about “QQ” or “MSN” or “Feton”? ﹡Have you ever used it (QQ or MSN or Fetion) to communicate with your friends? ﹡Who are the people you often communicate with? What are your topics? ﹡How do you like it? What are your reasons? 黄浦: 3.Write at least 60 words about the topic New Years Day 2011. (以“2011元旦”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格,不记入60个词。) (注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。) Use the following questions as a guide. (下列问题供参考) How was your New Years Day? What did you do on that day?/How did you spend your New Years Day? Did you enjoy your New Years Day? 4. 崇明 Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Something I Will Never Forget”. ( 以“令我难忘的一件事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) ( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) Use the following points as a reference. (以下提示仅供参考) What was the experience that you will never forget? Where and when did it take place? (Describe the experience) What effect does this experience have on you still? 5.松江: Write at least 60 words about the topic The best way to make me happy. ( 以“最能使我快乐的方法”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格) The following points are for your reference: (所给提示仅供参考) What are the ways to make you happy? Which way do you think is the best one to make you happy? (give at least two reasons) Why do you feel happy in this way? 6.闸北 Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic I like reading____


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