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* 这是复旦大学基础物理实验一个实验过去写的“实验目的、意义和要求”。到底应当怎样 * 可控实验 * 可控实验 * 该表示含口头或书面表示(牛二力和角速度成正比,比例系数是质量)、数学解析模型(F=ma)、计算机模型、物理构造和图形模型(线性图) * 完成 未完成 * 可控实验 * 完成 * 完成 完成 完成 完成 * 完成 * 可控实验 * 完成 * 完成 * 可控实验 * 完成 * 完成 * 完成 * 实验记录本中应像低年级博士生那样具有足够的质量: 例:实验记录本条目格式、错误记录处理、记录本使用应比初级实验室要求更正规 * How many goals and objectives should a course have? There is no prescribed number of learning goals and objectives for a course, the exact number will depend on the desired learning outcomes. Below are some suggested amounts based on a survey of science and math courses that use learning goals and objectives. Course Learning Goals (5-10 per course) Course learning goals are general goals that describe what are the most important concepts/big pictures for that specific course. Think about what you want your students to remember about this course five years from now. Course learning goals are the first goals that students will read for the course and need to be as “lingo-free” as possible so that they understand what can be expected in the course without having any prior knowledge of the material. Topic Learning Goals (1-5 per topic; 5-50 per course) Topic learning goals are general goals that refer to certain themes/topics in a course, for example plate tectonics or igneous rocks and the ultimate learning level that students are to achieve in that topic. The topic learning goals should work to achieve the broader course learning goals. Topic learning goals should be as lingo-free as possible, though since they refer to topics some subject terms may have to be used. There may be multiple topic learning goals that achieve a course learning goal. Lecture Learning Objectives (3-5 per lecture; 3-25 per topic) Learning objectives are specific statements that refer to certain content and the level of understanding that students need to perform at to ultimately achieve topic and course level goals. Learning objectives will have the most lingo, especially if it is necessary for students to be familiar with term


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