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目 录 Contents 一:机器概况 1:Machinery Survey 二:设备的主要技术参数 2:Main Technical Data of the Equipments 三:主体结构 3:Principal Parts Structure 四:液压系统 4:Hydraulic System 五:液压使用说明 5:Hydraulic Instruction 五:电气控制系统 5:Electric Control System 六:设备的主要特长 6:Main of Equipments 七:机床的安装 Installation of Machine Tool 八:机床润滑系统 8:Lubricating System of Machine Tool 九:卷板工艺 9: Coiling Technics 十:机器的日常检查 10: Ordinary Checking of the Machinery 十一:电器原理图 11 : Electrical Apparatus Principles Graphics 十二:地基安装图 12 : Groundwork Installation Graphics 十三:液压原理图 13 : Hydraulic Principles Graphics 十四:易损件联系表 14 : Easily Wear-out Parts Table 十五:装箱目录 15 : Packing List 十六:产品合格证 16 : Quality Certificate 一:机器概况 1:Machinery Survey W11S 系列上辊万能式卷板机是引进国外先进技术,结合国内实际情况生产的一种新型卷板机,在该机上预弯和卷板可以一次成型,卷板精度高,无需铺阻设备,投资少。广泛用于石油化工,锅炉,造船,水电,金属结构及机械制造行业。 W11S series upper roller universal plate coiling machine is a new type of coiling machine which adopts the foreign advanced technology, combines with the actual domestic producing practice. From pre-bending to coiling can be completed at one time with this machine. The precision of the coiling plate is very high. It needs low investment, also doesnt need auxiliary equipment. This equipment is widely used in petrochemical, boiler, shipbuilding, hydroelectric, metal structure and machinery manufacturing industries. 该机属于液压型三辊卷板机,用于常温状态下将低碳钢(钢板屈服极限 245MPa)卷成圆筒形.This is one of the hydraulic three-roller coiling machine. It is used for coiling the soft steel (yielding limit of steel plate, 245Mpa) into cylindrical shape at normal temperature. 上辊可以垂直移动,水平移动。 Upper roller can move vertically and horizontally. 预弯通过上辊水平移动,使上辊相对于下辊呈非对称位置实现。卷圆时通过电机减速机带动两下辊进行。 Prehorizontal movement, which makes the upper roller and the lower one to be positioned unsymmetrically. Cylinder coiling is completer by the two lower rollers run by reductor motor. 由于下辊的高度不变,所以便于进料和操作。 The height of the lower roller is stable, which makes feed


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