[医学]生理第三章 生命基本特征与神经肌肉一般特性.ppt

[医学]生理第三章 生命基本特征与神经肌肉一般特性.ppt

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[医学]生理第三章 生命基本特征与神经肌肉一般特性

第三章 人体的基本生理功能 药学医学基础实验中心 生理教研室 Dqlcpu@163.com Patch Clamping The technique of patch clamping is used to study ion channel activity. A narrow bore micropipet may be pushed up against a cell or vesicle, and then pulled back, capturing a fragment of membrane across the pipet tip. Patch Clamping A voltage is imposed between an electrode inside the patch pipet and a reference electrode in contact with surrounding solution. Current is carried by ions flowing through the membrane. If a membrane patch contains a single channel with 2 conformational states, the current will fluctuate between 2 levels as the channel opens and closes. The increment in current between open closed states reflects the rate of ion flux through one channel. Patch clamp recording at -60 mV. Consecutive traces are shown. Note that at a negative voltage, increased current is a downward deflection. Current Amplitude Histogram Occupancy of different current levels during the time period of a recording is plotted against current in picoAmperes (10-12 Amp). Peaks represent open closed states (note scale). Baseline current, when the channel is closed, is due to leakage of the patch seal and membrane permeability. temporal summation spatial summation 三、兴奋在同一细胞上的传导 (一)传导机制:局部电流学说(local current theory) 静息部位膜内为负电位,膜外为正电位 兴奋部位膜内为正电位,膜外为负电位 在兴奋部位和静息部位之间存在着电位差 膜外的正电荷由静息部位向兴奋部位移动 膜内的正电荷由兴奋部位向静息部位移动 形成局部电流 膜内:兴奋部位相邻的静息部位的电位上升 膜外:兴奋部位相邻的静息部位的电位下降 去极化达到阈电位,触发邻近静息部位膜爆发新的AP 局部电流 (二)传导方式: 无髓鞘N纤维的兴奋传导:近距离局部电流; 有髓鞘N纤维的兴奋传导为:远距离局部电流(跳跃式传导:saltatory conduction)。 (Node of Ranvier) (三)神经纤维的传导速度和分类 根据功能分 A:有髓鞘的躯体传入和传出,???? B:有髓自主神经的节前纤维,无负后电位 而正后电位明显。 C:无髓躯体传入(无负后电位,正后明显) 自主神经的节后纤维(负后明显) 根据直径和来源分:I、II、IV、IV(用于传入)。 区别: D为600um的无髓神经和D为4um的有髓神经都以25m/s的速度传导兴奋。 有髓和无髓神经的最大传导速度分别为100、1m/s。 (四)兴奋传导特点 1、结构和生理完整性 2、双向性传导  3、相对不疲劳性 4、绝缘性 (五)兴奋传导的影响因素 1、细胞膜大小与直径 2、AP的幅度与去极化速度(Na通道性状) 电生理学研究方法: 1.细胞外记录法: 神经干动作电位:biphase action potential monophase act


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