整个宇宙正在膨胀 什么东西能生存下来The Entire Universe is Expanding What will it take to survive.ppt

整个宇宙正在膨胀 什么东西能生存下来The Entire Universe is Expanding What will it take to survive.ppt

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整个宇宙正在膨胀 什么东西能生存下来The Entire Universe is Expanding What will it take to survive

* * * * * * * * * * * “The entire universe is expanding” Hubble,1929 * Source: J. O’Hara, Neilson; web article http://tiny.cc/NielsenA2M2rptQ209 The web: 1 trillion unique URLs1; contains at least 22 billion pages2; 113 million active sites as of 11/09—of which 74% were commercial3. 733 medical iPhone apps (and counting) viable for use in medical education or a professional healthcare setting and hundreds more consumer-oriented, health wellness apps4. U.S. mobile subscribers sent or received an average of 357 text-messages per month5; short-code marketing—marketing messages sent over text-message (160 characters or less)—has become a mainstream marketing vehicle5. Point-of-influence digital signage: rapidly emerging as the next frontier of customer experience—including pharmacies, hospital settings, and physician waiting rooms. * 1 Google,Alpert, Jesse; Hajaj, Nissan (07/08). http://tiny.cc/WeKnewWebWasBig 2 The Size of the Worldwide / 3 Domain Counts and Internet Statistics /internet-statistics/ 4 Best Medical iPhone apps for doctors and medical students (10/09) http://tiny.cc/iPhoneApps 5 Nielsen article “Flying Fingers” http://tiny.cc/FlyingFingers * An unprecedented volume of messages. A proliferation of channels. Are YOUR messages getting lost in space? * otherwise it’s the black hole for YOU and YOUR brand Survival depends on engagement with laser-sharp messages that drive behavior change. * Getting it right is a science. True dialogue and engagement with customers. + The art of creating messages that stick. + Evidenced-based e-learning principles. Advice from the experts. The stars of marketing, communications and scientific leaders in the field of e-learning. * No, not NASA. Motivate them to engage. * “… engage with your customers and deliver value...” ― Charlene Li Josh Bernoff Forrester Research Executives Co-Authors Listen. Then keep communications relevant, useful and speak to what matters most to your customers.


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