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2888 一条项链,n个珠子,m种颜色,给定k对颜色不能相邻,循环同构,求方案数? * 数论、组合数学、具体数学 李 寅 Euclidean algorithm Gcd( a , b ) = gcd( b*(a/b)+(a%b) , b ) = gcd( b , a%b ) = … Extended Euclidean algorithm The iterative method The recursive method The iterative method Recursive method Miller Rabbin BASIS: a^p mod p = a That is , a^(p-1) mod p = 1 TOOLS: power_product Cycle detection Rho How to calculate : HASH? Floyds cycle-finding algorithm The key insight in the algorithm is that, whenever i 0 is a multiple of λ that is greater than μ, xi = x2i (and conversely). Thus, we need only check for repeated values of this special form to find a period ν of a repetition that is a multiple of λ. Once ν is found, we may retrace the sequence from its start to find the first repetition of length ν; since λ divides ν, xν + μ = xμ, the start of the first repetition. Finally, from xμ it is trivial to find the length of the shortest repeating cycle, xμ + λ = xμ. Brents algorithm X1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 Pollard Rho – factorize bigint The rho algorithm is based on Floyds cycle-finding algorithm and on the observation that (as in the birthday paradox) two numbers x and y are congruent modulo p with probability 0.5 after numbers have been randomly chosen. If p is a factor of n, the integer we are aiming to factor, then since p divides both and n. Note that this algorithm will return failure for all prime n, but it can also fail for composite n. In that case, use a different f(x) and try again Practice POJ 1811 modular_linear_equation ax mod n = b ax = ny + b ax – ny =b d = gcd(a, n) If( b % d !=0 ) :: no solution else solve ax0 – ny0 = d X = (x0 * b/d + n) % n Euler Function (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) pku2480 Solution: Euler递推式 若(N%a==0 (N/a)%a==0) 则有: 若(N%a==0 (N/a)%a!=0) 则有: The Farey Sequence Fn for any integer n with n = 2 is the set of irreducible rational numbers a/b with 0 a b = n and gcd(a,b) = 1 arrang


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