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Contact Process Food-Processing, Virginia UASB The Netherlands UASB - Internal Circulation Brewery (Switzerland), 20 m height UASB - Internal Circulation Kraft Paper Mill Foul Condensates, Alabama EGSB Gist Brocades (yeast, pharmaceuticals) The Netherlands Modular Design UASB Reactors * High Rate Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Dr. Jim A. Field and Dr. Reyes Sierra, University of Arizona What is Anaerobic Biodegradation? Marsh Gas COD Balance Aerobic Biodegradation COD Balance Anaerobic Biodegradation Overview Anaerobic Biodegradation Polymers (proteins, polysaccharides) Monomers (sugars, amino acids, peptides) butyrate propionate H2 + CO2 acetate CH4 + CO2 h h 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 Hydrolytic enzymes Fermentative bacteria Syntrophic acetogenic bacteria Homoacetogenic bacteria Methanogens Methanogenic Consortium Methanogenic Reactions Kinetic Parameters Anaerobes CSTR Dilution Rate (1/HRT) Time Growth Rate Methanosaete (td =7 d), growth rate = ln(2)/td = 0.1 d-1 so minimum HRT = 10 days Recycle of Active Biomass Contact Process Dilution Rate (1/HRT) Time Growth Rate sludge retention time uncoupled from hydraulic retention time Immobilization of Active Biomass biogas effluent influent Anaerobic Filter Dilution Rate (1/HRT) Time Growth Rate sludge retention time uncoupled from hydraulic retention time biofilm Support (pumice) Immobilization of Active Biomass UASB Originally: Slurry Digestion Manures, Sludges 60 to 80’s: Agroindustrial Effluents Brewery, Distillery, Food Processing 90’s: Chemical/Petrochem. Effluents Terephthalate, phenols 90 to 00’s: Anaerobic Bioremediation PCE, BTEX 80 to 90’s: Pulp/Paper Effluents Condensates, (C)TMP, Bleachery History Anaerobic Treatment Technology Upward-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket influent effluent biogas sludge bed gas cap settler baffles sludge granule gas bubble weir 3 phase separator Influent Effluent Recycle Sludge Bed Effluent settler gas cap biogas gas bubble sludge granule Expanded Granular Sludge Bed Physica


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