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;Paintings may be classified from different angles as follows:
1.???? According to the subjects and contents they express: religious painting, historical paintings, genre painting, portrait painting, figure painting, landscape painting, mountain and water painting, still life , flower and bird painting, animal painting, building painting.
2.???? According to painting tools and materials: sketch painting, oil paiting, watercolor painting, gouache, wash painting, print paintings, carving, mural paintings.
3.???? According to painting format: decoratoion paintings, New Year pictures, comic strips, picture posters, caricature
4.?????According to regional, national culture traditions: Chinese paintings, Japanese paintings, Western paintings
A. Types of Paintings
?1、?? Chinese painting
Chinese painting is one of the Chinese traditional plastic art, which is also the general designation of Chinese traditional national paintings. Chinese painting is done on Chinese paper or silk by using water as harmonization agent, ink as main color, Chinese brush as main tools. Because the ink is ground on the inkstone with fresh water, traditionally, we call the four items -- writing brushes, ink-stick, inkstones and paper -- as four treasures of the study. ;张仃的焦墨山水画 ;张仃的焦墨山水画; 中国画融诗词、歌赋、书法、绘画、印章于一炉,诗、书、画、印,相映生辉,这也是任何绘画艺术都没有的独特艺术形式。
Chinese painting is a combination in the same picture of the arts of poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal engraving, which gives Chinese painting its unique qualities.
One of the important categories of Chinese painting is ink-and-wash. What gives ink-and-wash paintings th
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