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毕业设计(论文) 课题: 年产1000吨甘氨酸的生产车间工艺论文 系 科: 专 业: 班 级: 姓 名: 指导教师: 校外指导: 完成日期: 摘 要 甘氨酸是结构最简单的α—氨基酸,它的用途非常广泛,主要用于农药、医药、食品、饲料以及制取其它氨基酸,合成表面活性剂等。甘氨酸的生产方法有很多种,主要有氯乙酸氨解法和施特雷克法。在国内,由于技术、原料等原因,大都采用氯乙酸氨解法。 本设计的目的在于对年产1万吨甘氨酸的车间工艺进行设计和优化,本设计简要介绍了甘氨酸的主要用途,国内外的生产情况,研究进展和未来的发展趋势。结合国内的实际情况,本设计选用了氯乙酸氨解法,采用间歇式的生产方式,初步设计要求年产量1万吨,参照了许多文献及数据,对整个生产过程做了物料衡算,主要设备进行了热量衡算,并对主体设备氨化合成釜进行了设计,对生产工艺流程进行了优化,对车间进行了布置和规划。 设计经多次修改和调整,得到许多数据和能控制的工艺参数,所得到的产品理论上符合设计要求。 关键词:甘氨酸;生产工艺;收率;氯乙酸氨解 Annual output of 1,0000 tons of Glycine workshop process design Abstract Glycine is the most simple structure of the α-amino acids, its use is very extensive, mainly for agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, feed and other production of amino acids, synthetic surface-active agent. there are many methods of produce Glycine, the main solutions are ammonia and Chloroacetate Streck law. At home, because of technology, raw materials and other reasons, mostly use chloroacetic acid ammonolysis process . The purpose of the design is to optimize the workshop process of an annual output of 1,0000 tons of Glycine ,The design gives a briefing on the process of the main purposes of glycine, at home and abroad, production, research progress and future development trends. With the actual situation in China, the design chose chloroacetic acid ammonolysis process and use intermittent mode of production. preliminary design requirements of annual 10,000 tons, Searched a number of documents and data, to do the material balance of the entire production process, to do the heat balance of major equipment and designed the main equipment amination of reactor , optimized the production process . After repeated modifications and adjustments, got many data and to be able to get control of the process parameters, which are theoretically in line with the product design requirements. Key words: glycine; productio


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