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石步河水库施工危险源辨识与控制 毕 业 论 文 题 目: 石步河水库施工危险源辨识与控制 学 院: 专 业: 安全工程 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成时间: 摘 要随着我国经济的繁荣与突飞猛进的发展,水利行业作为国民经济基础产业迎来了发展的黄金时期,近年来,一些大中型水库水坝相继开工建设,如小浪底大坝、三峡大坝等。但水利工程施工过程中屡屡发生的安全事故不仅阻碍了水利行业的持续健康发展,也给人民群众带来了巨大的健康威胁和无法弥补的财产损失。水库建设工程具有设计多样化、工序复杂、工期较长、施工流动性大、施工环境恶劣、立体交叉作业频繁以及施工操作人员整体素质偏低等特点,决定了水库工程施工生产过程中难以回避的不确定性,使得施工过程和工作环境复杂多变,因而容易诱发安全事故。虽然我国在安全管理方面做出了很大的努力,但施工安全管理水平并没有得到显著的提高。施工安全是一个复杂而艰巨的系统工程,它始终是水利工程建设领域的重大研究课题。 本文以河南水利第二工程局在建的河南省南阳市桐柏县石步河水库为例,研究水库建设施工过程危险源辨识与控制。由于危险源是诱发安全事故的主要根源,是导致安全事故的根本性原因。因此本文围绕水库施工现场的危险源展开,对施工生产过程中的危险源进行了深入细致的理论分析,从危险源的概念、构成要素及事故触发条件等方面对危险源进行阐述。为此,本文主要开展以下几个方面的研究:①运用预先危险性分析法对施工现场的危险源进行辨识;②针对危险源制定相应的安全管理措施;③制定安全管理制度; 关键词:水库施工;危险源辨识;安全管理制度;安全管理措施 AbstractAt present, as Chinas economic prosperity and making a spurt of progress in the development, water conservancy industry as a basic industry of the national economy highlights qualitative leap, at the same time, drawing broad attention of numerous experts and scholars In recent years, irrigation works industry has ushered in the golden period of development, however, the water conservancy construction safety accident happens time and again, which not only blocks stability and healthy development of the water conservancy industry, but also brings the people tremendous threats to health and the loss of property unable to compensate.In recent years, large and medium-sized reservoir dam construction is also very quickly, such as xiaolangdi dam, such as the three gorges dam. Water conservancy project make characteristics of diversified design, complex process, a longer construction period, construction of high mobility, harsh construction environment, frequent intersection operation and low quality of overall construction operation personnel, which determine unavoidable uncertainty of the water conservancy construction production process and make the construction process and the working environment complex and changeable, as a res



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