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香港建设 商业道德与行为守则 Code of Conduct Business Ethics 香港建设(控股)有 限公司 HKC(HOLDINGS)LIMITED 总裁 的话 Message From CEO 为了进一步 明确公司行为准则,规范公司各项规章制度, 使公司在从事各项业务时更好地肩负社会责任,遵守最高 商业道德,力求始终 以诚实、正直、公正为企业 的基石, 以使公司在诚信的基础上不断发展,拥有更加美好的未来。 公司现发布 《商业道德与行为守则》, 陈述上述基本原则 与实务 以指导公司所有董事与员工的行为。公司所有董事 与员工应遵守此项行为守则 。 In or der t o en ab le a comp any t o dev elop cont inu ou sly on th e b asis of integrity and have a good prosp ect in the future as well as to make a comp any to shoulder it s social resp on sibility in all its business affairs, conduct all its business affairs in accordance w ith th e h igh est bu sin ess eth ical st an dar ds, str iv e t o pr eserv e Honesty , Righteou sness and Impartiality as the key foundation of th at comp any, it is n ecessary to defin e a comp any s code of c o n d u c t a n d s t a n d a r d i z e i t s r u l e s a n d r e g u l a t i o n s . T h e C o m p a n y i s su e s t h e C o d e o f C o n d u c t B u s i n e s s E t h i c s to set out th e b asic princip les and pr actices of all th e dir ector s an d all th e emp loy ees of th e Comp any for th e ab ov e purp oses . A ll th e dir ect or s an d emp loy ees sh all comp ly w ith th i s Code . 现将 《商业道德与行为守则》予 以发布, 守则 自20 10年6月 1 日起正式施行 。 Code of Conduct Bu siness Ethics is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect on June 1,20 10. Eric Oei 黄刚 CEO 行政总裁 目录 Index 1 导言 Introdu ction. u时常 自省是否符合道德标准 R egular Self-examination of Compliance with the Ethical Standard u遵守当地法律 、法规、规章 C ompliance with Law s, Rules and Regulation s u合作方 的商业行为 Bu siness Partner s Commercial Conduct. 2 避免利益冲突 Avoiding conflict of interest. u利益冲突通常发生在下列情况 C onflict s of interest typically arise in the following situ ation s : u如何避免利益冲突 How to avoid conflict s of interest. u如何处理利益冲突 H o


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