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暑假练习讲评 In today’s class, the students were asked to ____their mistakes on the exam paper and put in their possible corrections. A) omit B) extinguish C) cancel D) erase Although there are occasional outbreaks of gunfire, we can report that the rebellion has in the main been ______. A) canceled B) destroyed C) suppressed D) restrained He still ________ the memory of his carefree childhood spent in that small wooden house of his grandparents. A) nourishes B) cherishes C) fancies D) scans cherish a memory: 怀念 Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of __________ at people. A) glancing B) peering C) gazing D) scanning Glance短暂的一瞥;glance at扫视,瞥……一眼; Peer同伴;细看,凝视(into);peer at = look carefully with difficulty很费劲的; Gaze凝视;gaze at凝视,盯;Scan浏览,扫描,搜索。 The changing image of the family on television provides ______ into changing attitudes toward the family in society. A) insights B) presentation C) revelations D) specifications Many people think of deserts as ______ regions, but numerous species of plants and animals have adapted to life there. A) virgin B) barren C) void D) wretched The original elections were declared ______ by the former military ruler. A) void B) vulgar C) surplus D) extravagant He greatly resented the publication of this book, which he saw as an embarrassing invasion of his ____. A) privacy B) morality C) dignity D) secrecy Out of _______ revenge, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation. A) perfect B) total C) sheer D) integral Many scientists remain ________ about the value of this research program. A) skeptical B) stationary C) spacious D) specific Within ten years they have tamed the ____ hill into green woods. A) vacant B) barren C) weird D) wasteful Before we move, we should ________ some of the old furniture, so that we can have more room in t


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