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试题一: 1.Excuse me,sir. This is the private residential area. who are you going to visit? 对不起,先生。这里是私家住宅,请问你找谁? 回答:I visit my friends. 我来看我的老朋友。 3.Excuse me , sir .Wait a moment , please. 对不起,先生。请稍停一下 回答:Do you want to talk to me? 你是跟我说话吗? 5、说出维护小区安全是我们的责任 回答:To keep the community safe is our duty. 6、说出防人之心不可无 回答:You will never to be too wary of others. 试题二: 1、说出让我在电脑上查询一下 回答:Let me have a check on the computer. 2、说出记住,窃贼偷车,销赃很容易 回答:Remember that it is easy for a thief to sell. 6. Thank you. You remind me indeed. 谢谢,你的确提醒了我。 回答:I am a security officer to do my service. 这是保安人员应尽的职责 7. 说出我们应将安全放在第一位 回答:We’ll put the safety at the priority. 试题三: Do you have any certificate to show your identity? 你带有能说明身份的证件吗? 回答:This is my passport. 这是我的护照。 2、Could you please show me any certificate for your identity? 你能出示一下能够说明身份的证件吗? 回答:Ok . Here you are. 好 给你。 4、Fine, thank you for bothering to come back again and get the card. 好。谢谢。那就麻烦你明天还要过来一趟。 回答:My pleasure. 这是我应该做的。 6. Hello, excuse me ,sir. Are you the manager of EL Company? 你好,先生。请问你是EL公司的经理吗? 回答:Yes, I’m . What can I do for you? 是的,你找我有什么事吗? 试题四: 说出我先通过对讲机帮你联系一下 回答:Let me contact him through the door phone. 这是你的证件,请拿好。 回答:Here is your certificate ,take it back. 说出无人看管处停放车辆一定要上锁 回答:Always lock your bicycle when leaving it unattended. 试题五: 2、What type of locks are desirable? 哪种锁比较好? 回答:The best type of locks are the “U” or “D” locks. 最好是U或D型锁 3、说出打扰了,明天见。 回答:I hope I didn’t disturb you. See you tomorrow. 4、说出离家时一定要关好门窗 回答:Never leave the house with the doors or windows open. 5、Hello. Excuse me, madam. Who is this lovely boy? 你好,夫人,请问这位可爱的小男孩是你什么人? 回答:Oh,Even!I’ve forgotten about you . Are you OK? 试题六: 1.Excuse me,sir. This is the private residential area. who are you going to visit? 对不起,先生。这里是私家住宅,请问你找谁? 回答:I visit my friends. 我来看我的老朋友。 2、说出你向留口信,我们可代为转达 回答:But we can convey your message ,if you have any. 3.Excuse me , sir .Wait a moment , please. 对不起,先生。请稍停一下 回答:Do you want to talk to me? 你是跟我说话吗? 6. Thank yo


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