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Finite elements method in engineering Finite element method is a important method of solving a kinds of mathematics and physics problems ; finite element method can acquire various information of almost any complexes engineering structure ; 1.2 Historical Background Basic ideas of the finite element method originated from advances in aircraft structural analysis . In 1941,Hrenikoff presented a solution of elasticity problems using the “frame work method” In 1943, Courant’s used piecewise polynomial interpolation over triangular subregions to model torsion problems; In 1956, Turner,et al. derived stiffness matrices for truss, beam, and other element, In 1960, Clough used term finite element firstly, In 1955, Argyris published a book “energy theorems and matrix methods ” and laid a foundation for further developments in finite element studies; In 1967, Zienkiewicz and Cheung published the first book on finite elements; In 1972, Oden published a book about nonlinear continua; 1.3 Mainly contents of finite element method Basic variables and mechanics equations Mathematics solution principles Finite analysis implement of Discrete structure and continuum body Various Kinds of application fields Analysis software platform Study Requirements in Several aspects: Construct model and reduction of Complex problems Handle Technique of software(element, mess, parameter control of calculation method) Ability of calculation resluts Ability of err control Chapter 1 Fundamental of elastics mechanics 1.1Describing of deformed body and variables definition Deformed body displacement can generated Between Any two point in body. objects that finite element study is any deformed body. Definition of basic variables We can use some variables describing deformed body. Therefore, basic variables have three terms: Displacements Strains Stresses Destination: representing displacements, strains, stresses in elastic body and defination variables Basic technique of research u


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