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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 图2.9 试验后巷道破坏图 Fig.2.9 Roadway failure after test 2.2 试验结果与分析(Results and analysis of test) 2.2.1 无支护巷道(Non-support roadway) 冒落拱 Caving arch 横拱形片帮 Rib spalling with transverse arch appearance 二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 无支护巷道试验过程如图2.10所示。 Test process of non-support roadway is showed in Fig.2.10 (a)40kN (b)90kN (c)回采开始 (d)166.8kN 图2.10 无支护巷道围岩破坏过程 Fig.2.10 Failure process of non-support roadway 二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 2.2.2常用支护巷道(Common support roadway) (a)试验前 (b)开始模拟回采 (c)174kN (d)212kN (e)231kN (f)试验后 (g)帮部破坏 图2.11 试验前后巷道对比 Fig.2.11 Comparison of roadway pre and post test 常用支护巷道试验过程如图2.11所示。 Test process of common support roadway is showed in Fig.2.11 二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 两帮收敛量为6.36cm,是顶板下沉量的1.96倍。 The convergence between two side walls is 6.36cm, which is 1.96 times of convergence between roof and floor. 图2.12 常用支护巷道变形 Fig.2.12 Deformation of common support roadway 二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 图2.13 帮部测点位移曲线 Fig.2.13 Displacement curves of measuring points on the side walls 1~3号测点的位移量分别为0.43cm、0.23cm和0.12cm,1号测点相比于2、3号的位移增加了87.0%和258.3%。 The displacement of No.1~3 measuring point respectively are 0.43cm, 0.23cm and 0.12cm. The displacement of No.1 respectively increase 87.0% and 258.3% in comparison with No.2 and No.3. 二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 变形同步 Synchronously deformation 7号点位移值1.18cm,8号点1.08cm,9号点1.00cm,7号点较后两者增幅仅为9.3%和10%。 The displacement of No.7~9 measuring point respectively are 1.18cm, 1.08cm and 1.00cm. No.7 respectively increase 9.3% and 10% in comparison with No.8 and No.9. 图2.14 角部测点竖向位移曲线 Fig.2.14 Displacement curves of measuring points on the corner 二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 变形同步 Synchronously deformation 13号监测点2.72cm,14号2.65cm,15号监测点2.49cm,13号较其他两者增幅分别为2.6%和9.2%。 The displacement of No.13~15 measuring point respectively are 2.72cm, 2.65cm and 2.49cm. No.13 respectively increase 2.6%



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