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国际金融管理 一、名词解释: Currency futures contracts : specify a standard volume of a particular currency to be exchanged on a specific settlement date, typically the third Wednesdays in March, June, September, and December.Unlike forward contracts however, futures contracts are sold on exchanges Foreign bonds: Bonds denominated in the currency of the country where they are placed but issued by borrowers foreign to the country are called foreign bonds or parallel bonds Fisher effect.:real interest rate= nominal interest rate– inflation rate This relationship is sometimes called the Fisher effect. Technical forecasting involves the use of historical data to predict future values. It includes statistical analysis and time series models Open Accounts(赊销):The exporter ships the merchandise and expects the buyer to remit payment according to the agreed-upon terms transaction exposure:The degree to which the value of future cash transactions can be affected by exchange rate fluctuations is referred to as transaction exposure Economic exposure: refers to the degree to which a firm’s present value of future cash flows can be influenced by exchange rate fluctuations Translation exposure :The exposure of an MNC’s consolidated financial statements to exchange rate fluctuations Transaction exposure exists when the future cash transactions of a firm are affected by exchange rate fluctuations Cross-Hedging:When a currency cannot be hedged, another currency that can be hedged and is highly correlated may be hedged instead. 二、判断题多集中在第一部分的章节。15道 为了少看课件,把解答所用课件贴了出来 Dynamic hedging(动态套期保值) refers to the strategy of hedging when the currencies held are expected to depreciate, and not hedging when they are expected to appreciate. 另外了解货币波动性和货币相关性的关系(C10-14); 了解赊销货物的所有权事先由出口商转移到进口商手中;了解利率、价格分别对资本流动与国际贸易的影响最大。 三、计算题(跟作业相关,数据发生了变化,要借入即将贬值的货币(C4-22) 四、案例分析就是国家风险的分析,C16-18 例子看不清楚了 就是加权计算 五、简答题: 、考察代理成本以及为何跨国公司代理成本高呢(C1-7) 2、Why economies of some less developed countries with strict restrictions on


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