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四级作文: Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? 名校校园正成为旅游新热点 校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同 我认为…… 06-1 六级作文: A Letter of Invitation 假设你和你的室友预定了一个两天的旅游,而他(她)突然有事不能去了。因此给你的一个朋友写信,邀请他(她)和你一起去。信中必须包括以下内容: 事情的原委 旅游安排 诚挚邀请 Enyu09-1 Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? With the development of tourism, campuses of many famous universities in China are now open to the tourists. With its beautiful lake and some historic sites, for example, Beijing University is now frequently filled with visitors and tourists from both home and abroad. People are of different opinions as to whether it is a good idea to open the campus to tourists. Some people feel that the tourists are a distraction or interference to the students academic study. Others argue, however, that it brings the students and society closer and is good for better cultural exchange between people. Still others think that it is still too early to judge its merits or harmfulness. In my opinion, several factors should be taken into account in opening the campus to tourists or not First, I suggest that we choose only those with special historic and cultural interests, those with a long history and those with a beautiful campus. Secondly, I suggest the time for opening is controlled to accept tourists only at weekends, holidays and summer or winter vacations. A Letter of Invitation Dear Mike, How are you these days? I am writing to invite you to go on a tour with me. Do you remember I told you that my roommate and I had booked a two-day tour to Nanjing in a travel agency? However, it is a pity that he has got something urgent to deal with in those two days. Therefore, I do hope you can accompany me on that trip since we already have two tickets and I know you are always interested in Nanjing and wish for a chance to travel there. The trip is scheduled on next weekend. We will set out at 6: 30 on Saturday morning and arrive in Nanjing after about four hours. Then the agency will arrange us to visit some sce


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