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农村商业银行转型升级路径研究_经济管理系毕业论文 Title Study on the Transformation and Upgrade of Rural Commercial banks Abstract After 1978, the Chinas rural finance has experienced three different policy transformations. In the economically developed areas, the rural financial institutions, rural commercial bank mainly, has promoted the development of agriculture, increased sources of income for farmers and agricultural construction efficiently. However, the problems of property system, regulation system, and operation target and management mechanism still restricted the development of rural commercial bank. It is a significant task to accelerate the transformation and upgrading so as to achieve sustainable development at present. This paper based on the recent conditions, analyses its superior forces, a drawback born out of the rural credit cooperatives and historical opportunities objectively. This text also uses the method of the empirical research, studies the issues in the process of transformation, referring to property economy as well as modern financial system, and then has proposed the method of the transformation and upgrading of rural commercial bank. Key Words Reform Transformation Rural Finance Rural Commercial Bank 目 次 目次 4 1 引言 6 1.1 研究背景 6 1.2 研究意义 8 1.3 研究的主要内容 9 2农村商业银行建立的条件、形式和动力 10 2.1 农村商业银行建立的形式 10 2.2 农村商业银行建立的条件 10 2.3 农村商业银行建立的动力 10 2.3.1 农村商业银行建立的宏观经济动力 10 2.3.2 成立农村商业银行的微观经济动力 11 3 农村商业银行转型升级的SWOT分析 12 3.1 农村商业银行的优势分析 12 3.1.1 一级法人治理结构和主发起银行成功经验 12 3.1.2 资产潜在盈利能力好 12 3.1.3 金融产品和服务“草根性”强 12 3.2 农村商业银行的劣势分析 12 3.2.1 资本金规模不大 12 3.2.2 业务同质化,品种单一 13 3.2.3 人才储备尚不充分 13 3.2.4 技术水平落后 14 3.2.5 企业文化尚未成熟 14 3.3 农村商业银行可持续发展的历史机遇 15 3.3.1 市场需求巨大 15 3.3.2 党和政府的支持 15 3.4 农村商业银行转型升级的威胁分析 16 3.4.1 产权结构与法人治理结构的健全问题 16 3.4.2 法律地位与法律责任的明确问题 16 3.4.3 政策意图和商业本质的协调统一问题 17 3.4.4 业务范围过于集中,风险突出 17 3.4.5 竞争压力大,市场份额小 17 3.5农村商业银行科学发展的SWOT结论 18 4 农村商业银行实现转型升级的途径 19 4.1加大监管力度,明确企业法律地位 20 4.2加强产权制度改革,优化法人治理结构 21 4.3加强内部管理,完善激励考核机制 21 4.4加快网点建设步伐,促进集约经济发展 22 4.5加大金融服务创新,再造市场竞争优



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