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摘  要 随着计算机的普及和计算机科学技术的飞速发展,人们开始越来越多地利用计算机来解决我们生活中的实际问题了。近几年来,由于人力资源制度的不断改革,各级人事部门对人力资源信息管理计算机化的需求也与日俱增。因为对大多数的企业管理者而言,如何有效的管理企业的人力资源,使其发挥最大的效益,是每位企业管理者不断面临的难题与挑战。所以企业人力资源管理成为了企业管理中的重中之重。 以前人力资源管理甚至还采用人力处理方法,这样不仅效率低下,不易保存和查找,更多的会由于人为的原因,造成数据的遗漏,差错,误报,从而给企业带来重大的损失。因此,开发一个界面友好,功能全面,操作简单的基于B/S(Browser/Server)结构的企业人力资源管理系统变得十分重要,这也正是本系统开发的目的和意义所在。本系统将采用目前比较先进的MyEclipse6.5开发工具和SQL Server 2005数据库进行设计。 此企业人力资源管理系统将人事管理与办公自动化管理进行了有机结合,能有效地管理企业内各种人力资源信息,使企业各部门工作人员都能及时,方便地获得所要人员的各种信息,以及对信息的组合条件查询,更新,管理员的密码设置和工资的统计发放等功能,从而提升企业的工作效率和竞争力,满足了现代企业管理的需要。 关键词 人力资源管理系统;B/S结构;组合条件查询 Abstract With the popularity of computer and the computer the rapid development of science and technology, people began to used more and more on computers to solve practical problems in our life. In recent years, due to the human resource system reform, all levels of the personnel department of human resources information management computerized demand is growing. For most of the enterprise managers, how effective management enterprise human resources, make its maximum benefit, is each enterprise managers continuously problems and challenges. So enterprise human resources management become the enterprise management in the priority. Previous human resource management even using human processing method, which is not only a low efficiency, is not easy to preserve and search, more will due to human reason, cause data of errors, omissions, material misstatement, thus brings to the enterprise significant loss. Therefore, development of a friendly interface, comprehensive functions, operation simple based on B/S (Browser/Server) structure of enterprise human resources management system has become very important, it is the systematic development of purpose and meaning. This system will be adopted at present more advanced MyEclipse6.5 development tools and SQL Server 2005 database design. This enterprise human resources management system will personnel management and office automation management organically, and


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