学案:新课标人教版 必修4 UNIT 2 WORKING THE LAND高中高一高二高三英语学案英语导学案下载UNIT 1 2 3 4 5每单元完整学案.doc

学案:新课标人教版 必修4 UNIT 2 WORKING THE LAND高中高一高二高三英语学案英语导学案下载UNIT 1 2 3 4 5每单元完整学案.doc

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学案:新课标人教版 必修4 UNIT 2 WORKING THE LAND高中高一高二高三英语学案英语导学案下载UNIT 1 2 3 4 5每单元完整学案

2012届高考英语顶尖学案:新课标人教版 此学案为QQ原创整理首发,转载请保留此信息。() Unit 2 Working the land 耕作土地 核心词汇 1.The course is so hard that my colleagues and I have been____________(拼搏) with it. 2.Those who____________(渴望)for a chance to study abroad can be trained in our company. 3.I do not wish to listen to his____________(评论) on my hair.I think it good. 4.The old woman is determined to learn how to use the Internet to____________(扩大) her business and reach a global market. 5.It was considerate of her to speak to me in whisper so as not to____________(打扰)the sleeping child. 6.My performance was perfect in the English contest.Our teacher expressed her____________(满意) with what I had done. 7.He has made a____________(总结)of the main points in the Secretary General’s speech. 8.Judging from his____________expression,he didn’t understand the____________problem referring to teenagers’ mental health.(confuse) 9.用 occupy 的适当形式填空 (1)____________with the preparation for the important meeting,he forgot to have lunch. (2)If you want to apply for the job,fill in the blanks.Remember to state your true name,age and____________. 10.用 equip 的适当形式填空 (1)Well____________with modern weapons,the soldiers set out to fight the enemies. (2)The basic____________you need for hiking is simple:good shoes,durable clothes,and a backpack. 1.ments 4.expand 5.disturb 6.satisfaction 7.summary 8.confused;confusing 9.(1)Occupied (2)occupation 10.(1)equipped (2)equipment 高频短语 1.________________ 幸亏;由于;因为 2.________________ 摆脱;除去 3.________________ 对……感到满意 4.________________ 宁愿;宁可 5.________________ 逐渐增强;建立;开发 6.________________ 导致;造成(后果) 7.________________ 集中(注意力、精力等)于 8.________________ 盛产 9.________________ 使……免受(影响、伤害等); 使……不含(有害物) 10.________________ 选择……(而不是……) 1.thanks to 2.rid...of 3.be satisfied with 4.would rather 5.build up 6.lead to 7.focus on 8.be rich in 9.keep...free from/of 10.prefer...to... 重点句式 1.________________,what did you do to grow them? 如果这样的话,你做了些什么来种植这些植物? 2


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