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广州汽车限牌政策对汽车市场的影响摘要本论文主要通过对广州最新出台的汽车限牌制度进行研究,从多方面对这一限牌政策进行了解读和分析,详细剖析了政府部门在以公共利益为基础的前提下对这一政策的做法,并希望凭借汽车限牌政策,来有效控制广州汽车数量日渐加剧的年增长率,以达到减缓交通环境、减少大气污染的治理目标。通过本次论文的研究分析,笔者认为,由于汽车限牌制度的内容和形式均比较严格,对广州汽车市场造成了很大冲击,不能完全说有碍于广州汽车市场的快速发展,同时也不能认为是对于汽车市场发展的一种阻碍,总的来说,是属于利弊共存的现象。于是,本文主要分析了广州汽车最新限牌政策的几个要点,同时针对限牌政策的执行对于广州汽车市场的影响做出了以下重要阐述。关键词:广州汽车限牌;汽车限牌政策;汽车市场;影响作用ABSTRACTThis papers main through on Guangzhou latest introduced of car limited brand system for research, from multifaceted on this a limited brand policy for has interpretation and analysis, detailed analysis has Government sector in to public interests for based of premise Xia on this a policy of practices, and hopes with car limited brand policy, to effective control Guangzhou car number increasingly intensified of years growth, to reached slowed traffic environment, and reduced air pollution of governance target.Through the analysis of the thesis, the author believes that because motor vehicles licensing content and form are more stringent limits, and had a very big impact on Guangzhou automobile market, cannot entirely prevent the auto markets rapid development of Guangzhou, but also cannot be considered to be a hindrance for the development of the automotive market, in General, belongs to the advantages and disadvantages of the phenomenon.So, this paper analyzes the analysis of several main points of the newly limited Guangzhou automobile licensing policy, both restricted licensing policies for Guangzhou automobile market has made animportant impact in detail.Keywords:Guangzhou vehicle limited license;Auto Limited licensing policy;Car market;influence目录1 前言12 广州汽车新限牌政策的相关概述12.1汽车限牌政策的内涵12.2 目前已实施限牌政策的城市22.3 广州限牌政策新规解读22.3.1 “环保+摇号+竞价”创新性模式32.3.2 政府对新能源车辆给予财政支持32.3.3 郊区牌方案相关规定33 广州限牌制度可能产生的影响43.1 正面影响43.1.1 有效控制私家车数量43.1.2 更有利于公共交通出行43.1.3 有效缓解了城市交通拥堵问题43.1.4 有助于改善城市环境43.1.5 牌照拍卖有助于提高社会福利43.2 负面影响43.2.1 治标不治本43.2.2 改善环境的效果并不理想53.2.3 有碍经济发展54广州汽车限牌政策对汽车市场的影响54. 1上牌难度增大,汽车经销商抢夺市场空间54.2 购车者消费意愿降低64.3 加大了二次购车的难度64.4 经销商面临行业洗牌6


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